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Location: Republic of Ireland
Interests: Music, art, object designing, Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat.......
Gender: m
Showing 16 to 30 of 116 reviews
VCI catsuit 1
by Danilo

Okay lets start with originality. its not very original but I don't care if it is. It looks amazing. Now, onto useability, great for stealth, futuristic or even underwater levels. Great! Textures: Woah! So many great textures! They look amazing, they are so detailed and fit wonderfully together. Meshes: Great, love the head mesh, love every mesh. It all fits together and gives a great TRC feel. If I'm ever making a stealth level I'll use this outfit. Congrats on this. I'm glad to see you made the catsuit although its been done many times. I hope to see future remakes and new ideas from you as your one of my favourite creators. Good luck!

(10 Oct 2004 13:37)
Walther MPL
by baudabing

*GASP!!!!! You impressed Silent Viper!!!!! WOAH!!!!! Thats phenomanol!!!!! If you can impress Silent viper, just think about what I think of the gun!!!!!! *Keith fell over...... *keith got up..... I'm okay. The textures are very detailed! Very detailed and are put together nicely. The meshes are really great. Amazingly shaped. Well done! The useability and quality are fantastic, because its a real weapon that Lara would use, it can be used everywhere. And it has no problems so 10/10. The animations are perfect, no problems whatsoever. Congrats on creating the best weapon on the TRLE Search Engine. And congrats on impressing Silent Viper. Woah! I still can't get over

(10 Oct 2004 13:05)

Okay, first some notes. Best chest mesh I've ever seen! And, this is one of the few outfits that give Lara a feminine look which is great, alot of people make outfits that are either b*tchy, like a h**ker or very masculine. And you made an adventure outfit thats feminine which you should be really proud of. Its not useable everyhwere because its bright green but its still useable in alot of situations. Also, the quality is great, I didn't see any bugs so congrats for that. Textures were detailed and colourful which is great! I like the face textues and the jacketr textures. Meshes were brilliant. Thats the best chest mesh I've ever seen! Its not blocky, its realistic and it fits great with the outfit. congrats on another succesful outfit C/y, and I wonder what your outfits will be like when you hit the 50th outfit mark, although at your pace, I don't have long to wait, do I? :D

(10 Oct 2004 00:04)
Basic Brown
by C/y
Do you ever rest!?!

My God! Every time I come to this site theres a new outfit by C/y. I'm not complaining though as her outfits are just getting better and better! The textures on every mesh in the outfit are very high quality and very detailed. It resembles the original in colour wise but still they look awesome! The meshes are as good as ever with a great head mesh and a cool chain belt holster. The chest mesh was a tad blocky but still looked great. The useability is high because its a tomb raider style outfit and works well in many types of levels. Great job C/y! I can't wait to see what you're going to make next, although at the speed your going, I won't have long to wait.

(01 Oct 2004 20:00)
Hey! I like this!

Your awesome outfits are making me look bad! lol :P Once again, texture are great and I love this look. The tops are cool! The meshes are omve again amazing! Woah! That head mesh is so cool! Its useable in city/casual levels. Its origianl, its hard to make outfits that are both useable and original. Once again, you have created an awesome outfit and you have really progressed in your outfit making. And you made this so quickly. I look forward to seeing your next outfits. Tjey some of my favourite. Good Luck!

(29 Sep 2004 21:19)
Your in My Top Five Outfit Builders!!!

I'll go through everything. Bum- Although the belt goes through the side of the hip, it still looks great. The textures on the chain were a little plain, but the buckle more than makes up for that. And you can just see the chain when actually moving in Tomb Raider. Thigh- Very cool! The ripped effect works great too! I love the mesh and the textures are very nice. Shin- High Poly boots with a gold rim. Looks very cool. Although I would a placed the textures differently, they still look awesome! Foot- Nothing different. Nice textures but they're the same ones as the rest of the shorts and boots. Chest- Very cool! I love that mesh! The texture was really great too but that mesh! WOW!!!! Arm-Bands- Very nice. Look great and go great with the rest of the outfit. Hand- Great as ever but there is a hole on the index finger. Head- I love that head mesh! Its one of the best I've ever seen! The mesh was just so cool. That hair was awesome! Side Notes: Love the textures and meshes, the pale skin is awesome! I'm glad you got rid of the holsters because alot of people forget and sometimes, it ruins the outfit. Your on my top 5 list of my fav outfit builders. Good Luck with future outfits and keep 'em coming!

(27 Sep 2004 20:59)
Author Reply
Aww.. Thank you, Keith :) I'm glad you like it :)

by kicia
I thought I reviewed this....Oh well, I'll review it anyway....

Okay, I did like the way you put in the details that are easy to forget like the white on the boots and the green on the trousers. I was dissapointed to see a Sonya outfit come out, when I had been showing previews of my Sonya outfit that I had been working on for weeks which hurts the originality. As for the quality, its poorly made as well, and just barely resembles Sonya. The textures were plain, and the face textures where ugly. The lips were far too big. When making lips you should keep the same shape as the original lips or have 3d lips. But I like the way you remembered to put the things on her trousers. The meshes weren't yours but they were good. The best thing about this outfit were the meshes. I hope to see future outfits from you as you have made only a few and yet have shown you have much potential. If you are going to make MK4 characters, although I think you should stop now as there were only Tanya and Sonya in MK4, you should use the actual textures from MK4.

(24 Sep 2004 22:37)
Tony's Pizza
by Trinity
whatsa matta! You lika makea pizza pie!

Very unique! I loved this. Its different from the typical crates and vases shatter object. The textures are nicely detailed. Theres only four of them, but its a pizza box so how many would you expect. The mesh was also great! It has a pizza thats not plastered on to the base which give it extra marks and there are no holes. Although not useable every where it can be used in Home or City levels, or even VCI style offices. Its very original. I don't think there have been many or any pizzas on this site. Good job Trinity and I apologise to you and everyone on this site for my lack of reviews but with school on I haven't found the time.

(23 Sep 2004 21:18)
Winter Jacket
by Danilo
HOLY CR@P!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOAH! Danilo has once again amazed me!! This is one of, if not the best, winter outfit on the site. I wish you would use you're fantastic head mesh but that won't affect my rating! Textures are amazingly detailed! Meshes are nicely shaped! Its original because noone has made a winter outfit like this. the colours work perfectly! Its useable in lots of situations bwcause its a winter outfit but its a light winter outfit so it can be used in casual or city levels. Theres no bugs and it looks perfect in game. Congatulations!!

(18 Aug 2004 22:42)

WOW!!! I can't decide wich I like best, danilo's or Deskj's but this is still amazing!!!! The textures and mshes are highly detailed and nicely shaped. Well done. The originality is a little lower because its been done a few times but then, I love remakes and I (as of know) couldn't care less about originality so in my eyes, its quality that counts. The quality is brilliant! No bugs and looks amazing in game and in StripX. As for useability, it can be used in dark levels like cities, bases and hi-tech levels. So it was a little lower but still quite high. Great job deskj! Keep these top-notch outfits coming! :D:D:D

(17 Aug 2004 20:23)
No more!

It was great the first time and the second one was good too but you can't keep making the same outfit over and over. Pick a new type of outfit. Once again the quality textures and meshes are great but you should make a useable and different outfit as your well capable of doing so. Its not useable in a lot of levels, if any, but it still once again looks great! :D

(16 Aug 2004 20:11)
TR1 Cowboy
by Michiel
Aint Nothing Personal!

This is a perfect remake of the cowboy, and I love to see tr1 bad guys on the site. He wrks perfectly and i found no ugs whatsoever. Its great when you add the "Aint nothin' personal" sound file. Good job!

(15 Aug 2004 21:56)
Evil alarm clock
by Michiel
Oh my god! Thats when I was born :P:P:P

Kidding. I love this object. Its original and yet you still weren't satisfied with making an alarm clock you had to satanise it. :P:P Its of high quality, no bugs and looks great!! Useable: Not useable everywhere, I'd be a little confused If i found this in a tomb but anyway. Textures were cool! Especially the digital 6s. The mesh was nice, Nothing wrong so I have to give it a 10. I'd love to see some more "evil" objects from Michiel. Great job! :D

(15 Aug 2004 19:50)
by Trinity

Male outfits aren't that common and this is the first Pieter Van Eckhardt. So 10 for originality. There are no bugs, and its put together wonderfully. So 10 for quality. hes a tomb Raider character, and so plays a role in Tomb Raider so 10 for useability. Textures are very detailed and are nicely placed. So 10 in custom Textures. Meshes are fantastic! It looks so much like him. Even the little ponytail so 10 for custom meshes. Overall rating: 10 or ***** It looks better in game than in StripX and should definitly be used in a level. :D:D:D

(15 Aug 2004 19:37)
Dark City
by Trinity
Would make a great stealth outfit.

This would be perfect for city areas where Lara must sneak around. The red backpack and double garters on her leg are really nice. The black texture is a little plain but the meshes are fantastic! I love that head mesh. It original because, look at it. Its different which is great. Its not useable in every situation but hey, I'd use it. Congratualtions Trinity! :P

(15 Aug 2004 19:12)
Showing 16 to 30 of 116 reviews
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