LGG Style LCTOO Main Outfit
by LGG-PRODUCTIONThis is my version of the outfit of LC Temple Of Osiris. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Y...
This is my version of the outfit of LC Temple Of Osiris. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Y...
This is my version of TR1 Lara in a wetsuit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and me. I...
This is a military outfit composed of green tank top and green camo shorts. Meshes and textures by...
This is a military outfit composed of green tank top and green camo trousers. Meshes and textures b...
This is my version of the outfit of LC Guardian Of Light. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po...
This is my version of the canceled TR Origins outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu a...
This is my version of the TR Underworld beta outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu an...
This is my version of the Doppelganger of TR Underworld. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Y...
This is my version of the TR Underworld Main outfit, with trousers (grey version). Meshes and textu...
This is my version of the TR Underworld Main outfit, with shorts (grey version). Meshes and texture...
This is my version of the TR Underworld Main outfit, with trousers. Meshes and textures by Horus Go...
This is my version of the TR Underworld Main outfit, with shorts. Meshes and textures by Horus Godd...
This is my version of the outfit that Lara wears in the flashback of TR Legend. Meshes and textures...
This is my version of the TR Legend Camo Shorts outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu...
This is my version of the TR Legend Main outfit (blue version). Meshes and textures by Horus Goddes...
This is my version of the TR Legend Main outfit (pink version). Meshes and textures by Horus Goddes...
This is my version of the TR Legend Main outfit (black version). Meshes and textures by Horus Godde...
This is my version of the TR Legend Main outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and me...
This is the NG version of the wetsuit outfit of TRAOD. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu...
This is the NG version of the short pants outfit of TRAOD. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po...
This is the NG version of the long pants and vest outfit of TRAOD. Meshes and textures by Horus God...
This is the NG version of the long pants outfit of TRAOD. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po...
This is the NG version of the jeans outfit of TRAOD. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu an...
This is the NG version of the TR4 Young outfit, without the jacket and with the backpack. Meshes an...
This is the NG version of the TR4 Young outfit, without the jacket. Meshes and textures by Horus Go...
This is the NG version of the TR4 Young outfit in blue and with the backpack. Meshes and textures b...
This is the NG version of the TR4 Young outfit in blue. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu...
This is the NG version of the TR4 Young outfit in red and with the backpack. Meshes and textures by...
This is the NG version of the TR4 Young outfit in red. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu...
This is the NG version of the TR4 Young outfit in yellow and with the backpack. Meshes and textures...
This is the NG version of the TR4 Young outfit in yellow. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po...
This is my Valentine's Day outfit. This outfit is for pacific levels, infact it has no holsters. M...
This is the Siberian outfit from the first movie, made with my style. Meshes and textures by Horus...
This is the black outfit with sleeveless t-shirt and long pants, from the first movie, made with my...
This is the black outfit with sleeveless t-shirt, from the first movie, made with my style. Meshes...
This is the black outfit with t-shirt, from the first movie, made with my style. Meshes and texture...
This is the NG version of the TR3 Antarctic outfit, but in a Christmas theme. Meshes and textures b...
This is the NG version of the Christmas outfit that FearEffectInferno made. Meshes and textures by...
This is the my version of the TRL main outfit, but in Christmas theme. Meshes and textures by Horus...
This is the Christmas version of the TR1 classic outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Y...
This is the second Christmas version of the short pants outfit of TRAOD. Meshes and textures by Hor...
This is the first Christmas version of the short pants outfit of TRAOD. Meshes and textures by Horu...
This is the NG version of the outfit from the level "Blair Witch Project", of the game "TRLE 04 Lara...
This is Lara dressed as the members of Fiammanera of TR2. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po...
This is the NG version of the TR4 Young outfit with the backpack. Meshes and textures by Horus Godd...
This is the NG version of the TR4 Young outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and me....
This is Lara dress as Kurtis Trent. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and me. Credits al...
This is an outfit composed of a cream colored top and light brown shorts. Meshes and textures by Ho...
This is the NG version of the TR3 Antarctica outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Psiko, P...
This is the NG version of the TR3 Nevada outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and me...
This is the NG version of the TR3 London outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Psiko, Po Yu...
This is the NG version of the TR3 Pacific outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and m...
This is the NG version of the TR3 house outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and me....
This is the NG version of the TR2 night dress outfit. Meshes and textures by Psiko, Horus Goddess,...
This is the NG version of the TR2 Tibet outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and me....
This is the NG version of the TR2 wetsuit outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and m...
This is the NG version of the TR2 home outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and me....
This is the NG version of the TR1 N-Gage outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and me...
This is the NG version of the TR1 home outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and me....
This is the NG version of the TR1 classic outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and m...
This is the NG version of the classic outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and me....
This is the bordeaux version of the classic outfit of Lara. The textures of her clothes are mine, b...
This is the NG version of the TR2 Tibet outfit of Lara. For the textures I have to give credits to...
This is the TR1 home outfit of Lara, but without trousers. The textures of her clothes are mine, bu...
This is the TR1 home outfit of Lara. The textures of her clothes are mine, except the trousers but...
This is the TR1 N-Gage outfit of Lara. The textures of her clothes are mine, except the shorts but...
This is the TR1 classic outfit of Lara. The textures of her clothes are mine, but I have to give cr...
Lara has got a sexy dress colored like a zebra. This is a particular outfit that can be used for ho...
Lara has got a sexy dress colored like a cheetah. This is a particular outfit that can be used for...
This is the NG version of the young outfit with rucksack of Lara. The textures of her clothes are m...
This is the white version of the classic outfit of Lara. The textures of her clothes are mine and o...
This is the red version of the TR2 Wetsuit of Lara. The textures of her clothes are mine, but I hav...
This is the TR3 Nevada outfit of Lara. I know, there are a lot of outfits like this, but I like rem...
This is the TR3 House outfit of Lara. I know, there are a lot of outfits like this, but I like rema...
This is an outfit that can be used for egypt and desert levels, but you can use it wherever you want...
This is a new outfit of Lara. The textures of her clothes are mine, but I have to give credits to P...
This is the First movie outfit of Lara. The textures of her clothes are mine, but I have to give cr...
This is Lara dressed like Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2. The textures of her clothes are min...
This is Lara dressed like Faith Connors of Mirror's Edge. The textures of her clothes are mine, but...
This is the TR3 Pacific outfit of Lara. I know, there are a lot of outfits like this, but I like re...
This is the TR2 Wetsuit of Lara. I know, there are a lot of outfits like this, but I like remakes :...
This is the green version of the classic outfit of Lara. The textures of her clothes are mine, but...
This is the yellow version of the classic outfit of Lara. The textures of her clothes are mine, but...
This is the NG version of the classic outfit. Meshes and textures by Horus Goddess, Po Yu and me....
This is Lara dressed like Faith Connors from Mirror's Edge. She wears white trousers, a black top a...
This is the classic outfit of Lara. I have changed some things: Lara's shorts are lighter and there...
This is a remake of the house outfit from tr3. The legs were made by poyu with colors changed by me....
This is a remake of the house outfit from tr3. The legs were made by poyu with colors changed by me...
This is the tr2 wetsuit of Lara. Most textures are by me. Some meshes were made by Po Yu, so please...
This is the classic outfit of Lara. Most textures are by me. Some meshes were made by Po Yu, so pl...
These are the NG versions of the underwater switches from TR1. The meshes are made by me and the te...
This is the NG version of the small lever switch from TR5. Select "small lever switch" on Wad Merge...
This is the NG version of the small lever switch from TR3. Select "small lever switch" on Wad Merge...
This is the NG version of the small lever switch from TR2. Select "small lever switch" on Wad Merge...
This is the NG version of the bronze amphora from "Catacombs" of TR4. Mesh by me, textures found on...
This is a red heart, composed of two pieces, that Lara has to place in a receptacle. Put these line...
This is the NG version of the yellow metal wall switch from the first level of TR5. The meshes are...
This wad contains eight pushable easter eggs. The first five eggs are in pushable slots, while the...
This is the NG version of the pulley from TR4. The wad is composed of the pulley and two statics, t...
This is the NG version of the three scales of the element puzzle, from TR4. Follow the tutorial by...
This is the NG version of TR4 bag of sand and jerrycan. Put these lines in your script, or they won...
This is the NG version of TR4 waterskins. Make sure that anims 400, 401 and 402 are included in you...
This is the NG versions of the swinging spiky bag from the Temple of Xi'an of TR2. It's in CHAIN sl...
This is the NG versions of the swinging spiky bag from the Barkhang Monastery of TR2. It's in CHAIN...
This is the NG version of the wall torch from The Lost Library of TR4. Place the torch and raise it...
I've decided to make some of the pushables from TR Anniversary. Meshes by me, textures from TR Anni...
This is my version of the rolling armillar sphere from TR Anniversary. Put 8 in the OCB to make it...
These are the NG versions of the swinging blades of TR1. The TRNG versions are in CHAIN slot, and t...
These are two scarecrows for your creepy levels. They are based on TR5 one. Meshes are by me and f...
This is the NG version of the jump switch from the Cairo Levels of TR4. It can reset, so, it can be...
This is the NG version of the jump switch from the Lost Library of TR4. It can reset, so, it can be...
This is the NG version of the jump switch from the Tomb of Semerkhet of TR4. It can reset, so, it c...
This is the a shatterable dark wooden crate. Mesh by me, textures found on the net and modified by...
This is the NG version of the shatterable swinging ball of TR4. Press al five numbers in the OCB fi...
This is the NG version of the shatterable chest from TR4. Mesh by me, textures by Roli. If you use...
This is the NG version of the TR4 basket with the rope that raises. Put basket, rope and pole (set...
This is the NG version of the crumbling floor from the first level of TR2. Mesh by me, textures fou...
This is the NG version of the crumbling floor from the first level of TR1. Mesh by me, textures fou...
This is the NG version of the rolling ball from "Great Hypostyle Hall" of TR4. In TR4 that ball was...
This is the NG version of the boulder from "Coastal Ruins" of TR4. Meshes are by me, textures are f...
This is the NG version of falling Damocles Sword of TR1. The meshes are made by me, and the texture...
This is the NG version of the spikes from "The Coastal Village" of TR3. A static that has to be pla...
This is a mask that I have at home, as a puzzle. Put this line in the script: Puzzle= 2,Radiant...
This is a mask that I have at home, as a puzzle. Put this line in the script: Puzzle= 1,Girl Wit...
These are some spears that come from the ground. A static that has to be placed in the same square...
This is the NG version of the spikes of TR1. Put 20 in the OCB field. The meshes are made by me, a...
These are the NG versions of the pushable pedestals of Citadel from TR4. Meshes by me, textures by...
These are the NG versions of the pushable Senet pieces from TR4, plus a new one. Meshes by me, text...
This is the NG version of the door from "City Of Vilcabamba" of TR1. The meshes are made by me and...
This is the NG version of the lever from "City Of Vilcabamba" of TR1. The wad contains the switch a...
This is the HD version of the brazier from The Lost Library of TR4. You can place a FLAME_EMITTER2...
This is the NG version of the TR4 rolling ball of the level "The Lost Library". Mesh is from TR4, t...
This is the NG version of the copper cog switch of TR4. It requires TRNG. It's composed of the whe...
This is a pumpkin switch for Halloween themed levels. This is not a button, but a pumpkin that, if...
This is the NG version of the keypad of TR5. It requires TRNG. Like TRNG keypad, it has a display...
This is a skull switch that works like the small push button. This button actually stays attached t...
This is the NG version of the motorbike from TR4 (Blue version). Mesh by me and Psiko, textures fou...
This is the NG version of the motorbike from TR4 (Red version). Mesh by me and Psiko, textures foun...
This is the NG version of the motorbike from TR4. Mesh by me and Psiko, textures found on the net a...
This was the complete Scion, but I notice that it can make the game crash, so I've removed it, sorry...
This is the NG version of the Scion of TR1. Sorry, but it can't be combined with the other two piec...
This is the NG version of TR4-5 torch. The torch mesh is made by me, while the textures are from TR...
This is the NG version of TR4-5 crowbar. The crowbar mesh is a modified version of a mesh that I fo...
This is a 3D lion relief for a wall. Place a transparent texture on the wall where the relief is pl...
This wad contains: -A flat banister; -A right one click sloped one; -A left one click sloped on...
This is the NG version of the plough of TR4. Unlike the in the original plough, this one has the ce...
This is the NG version of the horseman from "The Lost Library" of TR4. It's a bronze automaton that...
This is the NG version of the Horseman's Gem of TR4. Put this line in your script: Puzzle= 6,Hor...
This is the NG version of the Garden Key of TR5. Put this line in your script: Puzzle= 1,Garden...
This is the NG version of the shatterable small Moorish urn from "City Of Dead" of TR4. Mesh by me,...
This is the NG version of the shatterable small orange vase from TR4. Mesh by me, textures by Roli....
This is the NG version of the shatterable small white vases from TR4. Meshes by me, textures by Rol...
This is the NG version of the shatterable small red urn from TR4. Mesh by me, textures by Roli. If...
This is the NG version of the shatterable amphora from "The Lost Library" of TR4. Mesh by me, textu...
This is the NG version of the pushable column from TR4. Mesh by me, textures found on the net and m...
This is the NG version of the pushable pillar from TR4. Mesh by me, textures found on the net and m...
This is the NG version of the TR2 snow rolling ball. Meshes are by me, textures are from TR Legend,...
This is the NG version of the black pedestal, from the level "The Tomb Of Seth" of TR4. To place an...
This is the NG version of the rolling ball from "The Great Wall" of TR2. Meshes are by me, textures...
This is NG version of the scarab talisman from the level "Burial Chambers" of TR4. Meshes by me, te...
This is NG version of the mechanical scarab from TR4. Meshes by me, textures found on the net and m...
This is the NG version of Pushable golden vase from "Times Exclusive Level" DLC of TR4. Mesh by me,...
This is the NG version of Pushable Greek vase from the beta demo ofd TR4. Mesh by me, textures by m...
This is the NG version of the pushable block of the level "St. Francis Folly" of TR1. Mesh by me, t...
This is the NG version of the pushable block of the level "City Of Vilcabamba" of TR1. Mesh by me,...
This is the NG version of the ring of blades of TR4. The meshes are made by me, and the textures ar...
This is the NG version of the swinging chain of TR4. The meshes are made by me, and the textures ar...
This is the NG version of the spiky cylinder from the level "The Tomb Of Seth" of TR4. The movement...
This is the NG version of the squishy blocks of TR4. The meshes are the same of TR4, but with less...
This is the NG version of the TR4 pushable stone block. If you use it, please, credit me. Enjoy :)...
the NG version of the TR4 Rolling block. If you use it, please, credit me. Enjoy :) LGG
This is the NG version of the pushable metal shelf from TR4. Mesh by me, textures by Roli and from...
This is the NG version of the brown button of TR2. This button actually stays attached to the wall...
This is the NG version of the grey button of TR2-3. This button actually stays attached to the wall...
This is the NG version of the pushable crate with the Russian word on, of the level "Fool's Gold" of...
This is the NG version of the pushable crate of the level "Opera House" of TR2. Mesh by me, texture...
This is the NG version of the pushable crate of the level "Barkhang Monastery" of TR2. Mesh by me,...
This is the NG version of the pushable blue crate of the level "40 Fathoms" of TR2. Mesh by me, tex...
This is the NG version of the pushable crate with the Fiamma Nera symbol on, of the level "Offshore...
This is the NG version of the pushable TNT crate of TR1. Mesh by me, textures by Silverlock and mod...
This is the NG version of the pushable wooden crate of TR1. Mesh by me, textures by Silverlock and...
This is the NG version of the pushable crate with the word "NATLA" written on, of TR1. Mesh by me,...
This is the NG version of the pushable Egyptian block of TR1. Mesh by me, textures by Silverlock an...
These are the NG versions of the pushable globes from TR4. Meshes by me, textures by me, Psiko, Rol...
This is the NG version of the small drill from TR3. by default it works like in TR3, but you can ma...
This is the NG version of the swinging bag from TR2. Meshes by me and textures found on the net. I...
This is the NG version of the falling bag from TR2. Meshes by me, textures found on the net and ani...
This is the NG version of the pushable crate from the Scotland levels of TR3. The mesh is made by m...
These are the HD version of the two pushable shelves from the level "Street of Rome" of TR5. Meshes...
This is a small wooden table that can be pushed or pulled by Lara, useful for home or horor levels....
This is a small empty wooden crate that can be pushed or pulled by Lara. Mesh by me and textures fo...
This is a pedestal, you can place a pickup on it raising it of four clicks from the floor and puttin...
This wad contains all the pieces of the Senet Game and the wheel of fortune. All the pieces are als...
This is the remake of the locusts from TR4. Meshes by me and textures found in the net and modified...
This is the remake of the beetles from TR4, but without horns, because the ones from TR4 were a mix...
Just a new bat. Meshes by me, textures found on the net. If you use this enemy please, credit me....
Just a new bat. Meshes by me, textures found on the net. If you use this enemy please, credit me....
This is a calendar of he year 2015! Each picture contains the calendar, modified by Psiko and a pic...
This is a mermaid for TRLE. Meshes and textures are by me, Horus Goddess and Psiko, the animations...
This is a mermaid for TRLE. Meshes and textures are by me, Horus Goddess and Psiko, the animations...
This is the NG version of the motor boat of tr2. To make it working you have to use the TRNG engine...
This is the NG version of the horseman from "The Lost Library" of TR4. It's a bronze automaton that...
This is a floating Pierrot Head that shoots lasers from its eyes. You have to shoots at both eyes t...
This is a floating skull that shoots lasers from its eyes. You have to shoots at both eyes to defea...
This is a clown fish for TRNG (TRNG required), it can be used in a lot of location. The wad contain...
This is a butterfly fish for TRNG (TRNG required), it can be used in a lot of location. The wad con...
This is a floating Medusa Head that shoots lasers from its eyes. You have to shoots at both eyes to...
This pack contains: -Rafflesia Arnoldii: a big red flower; -Rafflesia Hasseltii: like Rafflesia...
This is the NG version of the mummy from TR4, it can be used for Egyptian levels, TRNG or TREP is re...
This is a piranha for TRNG (TRNG required), it can be used in a lot of location. But pay attention,...
This is the remake of the car from TR4. The original car is a Land Rover Series 2A, but this is an...
This is the green version of the remake of the car from TR4. The original car is a Land Rover Serie...
These are the load & save from TR5. If you use this object please, credit me. Enjoy :)...
These are the load & save from TR4. Sony and Play Station belongs to Sony. If you use this object...
This is the NG version of the Egyptian dog from TR4. It has got 3D teeth and tongue, and the ears a...
This is a pullable skeleton for your levels. It can be pull by Lara. The idea is from Titak, the m...
This is a static skeleton for your levels. It is in SAS_DYING slot and it has 12 static animations....
This is an NG version of the skeleton from TR4. It has got leather, helmet and pieces of armor. In...
This is an NG version of the skeleton from TR4. In the wad there is also the AHMET_MIP, that are th...
These are two new medipacks for TRLE, the remake of TR3 medipacks: These medipacks are composed of...
This is a new lion for TRLE. I'm sorry for the visible connections of the meshes, but it is not pos...
These are two new medipacks for TRLE: These medipacks are composed of modified meshes from Maax87 a...
This is the yellow version of the remake of the kayak from TR3. The base model (with fixed sound) w...
This is the blue version of the remake of the kayak from TR3. The base model (with fixed sound) was...
This is the red version of the remake of the kayak from TR3. The base model (with fixed sound) was...
This is the remake of the kayak from TR3. The base model (with fixed sound) was from Ess Gee. The...
This is I-Droid 01, a little robot, useful for industrial, futuristic and VCI levels. It really exis...
This is a grey seadoo for TRLE. You need TRNG to use it. Sounds included. Meshes and textures are...
This is a yellow seadoo for TRLE. You need TRNG to use it. Sounds included. Meshes and textures a...
This is an orange seadoo for TRLE. You need TRNG to use it. Sounds included. Meshes and textures...
This is the NG version of the white ghost from Tomb Raider The Last Revelation. It fly and passes t...
This is the NG version of the ice ghost from Tomb Raider The Last Revelation. It fly and passes thr...
This is the NG version of the fire ghost from Tomb Raider The Last Revelation. It fly and passes th...
This is the NG version of a TR5 enemy. The animation are the original of TR5, but now he is in HD v...
This is the 3d version of the windows of the Area 51 from TR3. In the wad there are two objects: on...
These are two puzzles for TRLE: a sun mask and a moon mask. They are both shiny and the sun is comp...
This is a remake of a blue boat that was in the early version of tomb raider 3, but it was removed i...
This wad contains only the BINOCULARS_ITEM slot, so the BINOCULARS_GRAPHICS can be extracted from th...
This is a new shark for TRLE. This is my first enemy. I'm sorry for the visible connections of the...
Polyphon for TRLE A polyphon is a furniture with a disk that produces a melody like a music box. T...
This is a remake of the motor boat of tr2 for TRNG. Meshes and textures by me, sounds from tr2 (inc...
These are two simple pushable blocks with high resolution textures. In TRNG, with OCB 68 they becom...
This is a new rubber boat that I made for TRLE with TRNG engine. Meshes and textures are mine, lara'...
This is a new rubber boat that I made for TRLE with TRNG engine. Meshes and textures are mine, lara'...
This is a new rubber boat that I made for TRLE with TRNG engine. Meshes and textures are mine, lara...
This wad contains: -A swinging box in CHAIN slot, so, you must put 1 in the OCB field, to make it...
This wad contains some pumpkin themed objects: -A fire wraith; -A rolling big pumpkin; -Three p...
This wad contains: -A pushable object, put 68 in the OCB field, to make it climbable; -A wall sw...
This wad contains: -The NG version of TR2 swinging box in CHAIN slot, so, you must put 1 in the O...
This wad contains: -The NG version of TR2 falling sandbag in FALLING_CEILING slot; -The NG versi...
This wad contains 20 windows for your levels. Some of those windows need a transparent hole on your...
This wad contains: The HD version of some columns of the Catacombs of TR4: -A 7 clicks tall colu...
These are the NG textures of some TR1 Peru stone decorations textures. They come in 128x128 and 256...
These are the NG textures of some TR1 Peru brick textures. Only simple bricks are included, so, no...
These are the NG textures of the floor of the level "St. Francis Folly" of TR1. These textures are...
These are the NG textures of the walls of Lara's Home, TR3 version. The paintings are not included,...
These are the NG textures of the walls of Lara's Home, TR2 version. The paintings are not included,...
These are the NG textures of the walls of Lara's Home, TR1 version. The paintings are not included,...
These are the NG textures of the marble floor of the level "Escape With The Iris" of TR5. These tex...
These are the NG textures of the blue at the beginning of the level "Red Alert" of TR5. These textu...
These are the NG textures of the grass and the rocks of the level "The Great Wall" of TR2. These te...
These are the NG textures of the beige floor of the level "The Submarine" of TR5. These textures ar...
These are some red carpet textures made by me. The base texture comes from CG texture. They come i...
These are some of the NG textures of the floor of the Lost Library of TR4. These textures are many...
These are some of the NG textures of the walls of the Lost Library of TR4. These textures are many...
These are the NG textures of the submarine floor of the level "Sleeping With The Fishes", from the D...
These are the NG textures of the TR4 Giza Blocks. They come in 128x128 and 256x256 pixels. If you...
This is an HD version of some textures from the VCI Head Quartier of Tomb Raider Chronicles. If you...
This is an HD version of some textures from the the lost library of Tomb Raider The Last Revelation....
This is an HD version of some textures from the catacombs of Tomb Raider The Last Revelation. If yo...
This is a pack which contains 28 beautiful wooden an metal crate textures for your levels :) Some o...