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Location: US
Interests: Tomb Raider...duh! I'm also a movie maker, look for me on youtube!
Gender: f
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 reviews

An absolutely fabulous set of objects with a variety of uses. There are high tech objects and several plants to choose from. Everything is great quality. I highly recommend this pack.

(12 Dec 2010 20:38)
An improvement on an already fantasic texture set

I loved the original set of new water textures you did and these are even better (which I didn't think was posible) I gave all tens because this is, like I said earlier, a fantastic texture set. I really can't find any problems. The animation seems together flawlessly. There is just enough definition on lines so it looks fairly realistic. The only negative I have is that the animation looks a bit overdone if you stick to the original frame rate. But this is easily fixed if you are using NGLE (which I think most people are these days...)

(16 Aug 2010 21:13)
TRU Sliding animation
by kurtisandlara
Good Start...

This animation is good, if not a little too sparatic. Originality: 9 because it's the first sliding animation I've seen but it's based off TRU Quality/custom animations: 7 because the animation is good but because it's only a few frames, it's very clippy. I know your intent was to make it look like more was in Lara's way but it came out looking too quick and sparatic. Adding a few more frames or making the movements less severe would greatly improve this animation. My own personal opinion is that Lara moves too much from side to side. Keep working on this, it has great potential

(06 Sep 2009 22:48)
Author Reply
Thanks for the review! :D Ill try to fix that thanks ill be posting an updated version tomorrow or today. :)

looks great in wadmerger, but not so much in-game

Original: Well, it\'s based off of another game but it\'s the first new swimming animation I\'ve seen so 9 Quality: 9 because in wadmerger it looks absolutely perfect but in game it looks a little off... maybe the camera position? The arms also go out a bit too much to the side instead of up. Going onto land straight from the swimming snimation also looks a bit odd, the transition is to quick but I don\'t think there\'s a way to fix that. It\'s usable in all levels... with water Custom animations: see quality Overall though, it\'s really good and it is the only swimming animation I\'ve seen. Maybe with a bit of tweaking it could look just as good in-game as it does in wadmerger... [i]Edited by jocb17[/i]

(02 Aug 2009 02:47)
Lovely Remake!

I downloaded this outfit after deciding that I was tired of the "anniversary" lara and then I found this. It's based off of her original outfit, but you have changed it up to make it unique so 9 for originality It's a classic outfit, usable pretty much everywhere except maybe colder places but you still get a 10 here. About the textures... well at first while I was playing in-game without really looking at it, the textures looked a bit plain and all one color. So I went to examine it up close and it was very detailed texutring! I was very surprised at how detailed and in place all the textures were so I went back in-game and investigated the textures again and found that going into a darker area in my level, your beautiful texturing could be seen so easily. So although I would love to give you a 10 for texturing, the problem with it being "washed out" in lighter areas bumped you down to a 9... The meshes looked great with no bugs or problems that I could find, the only problem was that there was no "lara scream" object so I marked you down for that. Not that big of a deal, but I think that would have made this outfit perfect... The Aod outfit was great as well! It has all the attributes except for different texturing based on the outfit so it would get all the same marks as the classic remake outfit. I also liked that you put the AoD outfit in because then the darker hair color was right there for me to retexture with :P

(17 Jul 2008 04:02)
You did Lara Justice!

This is one outfit everyone should have! It can be used anywhere, and it definately replaces the original outfit. Originality was the only place I couldn't give you a perfect ten because it does have elements from Lara's different outfits through out the years, but you have made it completely your own... consider this 9 like a 9.8 near perfect The textures were perfect! The shirt was had some of the best texturing I've ever seen in an outfit. The only problems that I had were that the shorts were pretty much all the same texture, but you can hardly tell that in-game so you still get a 10 here. I found no problems with the meshes so 10 This is a great outfit and I reccamend it to anyone! One more thing... I'm not going to mark you down for it, but I prefer darker hair. I'll change that myslef though :P

(12 Jun 2008 19:51)
Author Reply
Thanks very much for your kind review - I hope that others will think the same way, and thanks for saying what you really think about the outfit. You were fair and honest - thankyou. The shorts actually took the hardest texturing - there are loads of varied textures and they do all fit, but they're too dark. i'll make the trousers better in the next otufit.

not what I expected...

I had NO idea what this was when I downloaded it, but I thought "what the hey?" I've never seen this as an enenmy so it was defineately original. It looks nothing like the orginal mummy, very diverse. It looked good, but some of the meshes overlapped eachother a lot during the annimations. There's not really much you can do about that based on the design of the enenmy. Obviously most of the meshes were newly made and they worked well (except for the occasional overlap I mentioned) The only two things that would make this better would be to add a darkened face inside the hood and also the botoom of the leg mesh was very flat, and it didn't look very realistic when he was laying down because of that. textures were plain. maybe add a little more textures with different highlights for the different parts of the robe (i'm assuming it's a robe) overall, a very nice addition :P fix a few problems and you'll have a great new enenmy for all to use. PS: it's a great object, maybe add a picture so people can see what it is. If I had seen a picture, I would've downloaded this first thing...

(07 May 2008 00:39)
Author Reply
Thanks, that will help me. Btw if you can review my Dr. Salvador enemy please!

by Girt by Sea

very useful for indoor levels. Adds to the atmosphere.

(07 Apr 2008 04:58)

This is like an entire wad! if you haven't downloaded this, do it now! It has mostly jungle items, but I found a couple items that I"m going to use a a home level so it's got a wide range of uses 10 all items seemed very original, even though you say you've modified some things you still get a 10 the items themselves and textures are pretty much perfect so 10 for that too. I loved all the new, different items! I might modify a couple of them myself for a little different projects. Seriously, download now. don't be afraid!

(24 Mar 2008 20:06)
Author Reply
Thank you :D

Irish Autum
by Trinity
Almost a great outfit...

okay so the originality was 10 because you've made a whole new charactor. It's usability is lowered because most people want to have a Lara based level. The textures were a 9 because only a few textures were used and also I didn't like the shoe texture (but that's just me) The hair mesh was fabulous. You seen very few characters with short hair and your mesh is really unique, I liked it. Now for the quality rating... While it's a great outfit, very original and I really do like it; there were several holes I noticed right away. In the jeans pocket was the one I noticed first. Also, at certain camera angles I would get a sparkly light coming from the outfit and it was really noticable. I'm not sure what causes this, but it looks as if the outfit textures are extended to the sky for some reason. It would be okay for my level, but at one time in a camera sequence, there are several extended textures and it is clearly visable and reduces the value of the outfit. I hope you get what I'm trying to ramble on about. I really do like this outfit, and I hope that if you ever have extra time that you will fix it. It would be a great addition to the archive.

(08 Jan 2008 05:53)
Good idea but...

Okay so a breakdown of how I scored ya 9 on originality cuz it looked like the ones in Legend/Anniversary. And also because I've seen another annimation like this on TR Search... 10 on usability because it can be used in any game. 8 on quality and Custom annimation because while the annimation looks very fluid and realistic, and doesn't have any major flaws, if you have guns out and the annimation kicks in, it looks like you can move, but the annimation has started and you can't stop it. That's the only downfall of the annimation. If you can figure out a way to fix that, you'll have a great annimation!

(12 Dec 2007 02:46)
Author Reply
thank you so much for the review! i really appreciate it. i am currently trying to fix the problem where she freezes up.


I liked them. The shimmy at some points looked a little jerky, but only if you changed directions quickly. The climb up was more realistic, and (I can't tell if I did this or it's part of you annimations) the handstand was a little more fluid, but it was just increased in spead right? (again, not sure if I was the one who did that, I was fooling around with that annimation) I would try the ledge jump, but I can't download TREP because it's a .rar file... anyway... great annimations, worth the download to at least look at the new ones!

(08 Dec 2007 02:45)
Home textures
by Trinity

Okay, I have finally found a house texture set that works! They are different from others that we've seen because most house textures are just ripped from the games, but yours are unique and different. The originallity is a 9 just becuase you ripped some of them from a game, but others took some work to locate on the web Quality is a 10 cuz they look great! and there are many different styles. useable is an 8 because it's sorta limited to what kind of levels you can use them with. Also it would be nice if there were some grass/outdoors textures, and maybe some water textures. That would make it a full package with an assortment of all textures to choose from!

(14 Nov 2007 02:25)

I LOVE this annimation! I'm a sucker for swan dives though, so I just had to download this when I saw it, and it's a great annimation. I gave a 10 in all catagories except for usability just because I don't think it's really possible to do all those moves in that short amount of time, but if anyone could do it, it would be lara croft! There is a small problem when you do a running jump though, the annimation looks too jerky because it starts with the old annimation, but then goes into the new one. It still looks okay, it's just a little less fluid. [i]Edited by jocb17[/i]

(10 Nov 2007 19:08)
Faster Shimmey
by GeckoKid

I really do like this annimation because at one point in one of my levels there was a really long shimmy spot, and I would get imcredibally bored waiting for her to get around the corner, but now it seems like a reasonable amount of time with this new annimation. I would've a 9 for originallity, just because I thought it looked a lot like legend's but you did make it from scratch, so I bumped it up to a 10! quality is a 10 because it's smooth and fluid and goes along with the other shimmy animations usuablity 10! It's probably the one of annimations that everyone would want in their game. Custom Ann. 10 becuase you did make it from scratch and it looks fantastic!

(10 Nov 2007 19:05)
Showing 1 to 15 of 15 reviews
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The TRLE Search Engine is not responsible for the downloads that can be found here. All items are owned by the person who submitted it.