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Craig Michaels

Location: California
Interests: Writing, Archaeology, Fencing
Showing 1 to 15 of 16 reviews
Jungle military
by Danilo
Classic Croft

This outfit is one that I could see Lara wearing, really. Some custom outfits look a bit outlandish sometimes, but this one captures a very Lara-esque. Originality: With the coolness of looking perfect for Lara comes the price of originality. Other oufits with simmilar color schemes exist. However, several of these are actually made by the author himself, and I don't think its fair to dock points because an author wants to improve his or her past work. This outfit is certainly top quality, and I think deserves at least an 8. Quality: As I said above, this looks great:). I really like the sleeves, and the textures on the pants are very nice. Thgis author has a particular talent for making the pants on an outfit look really good using shading effects. Usability: This is usable almost anywhere- in fact, I can't think of a place it shouldn't be used. She looks warmer than she did in TR1 Andes or TR2 Himalayas, or TR6 Prague for that matter. Maybe not Antartica, but anywhere else. A jungle level would be perfect, as wood a home-level; this looks a bit like a much nicer version or Lara's home outfits in TR2 and TR3, except the top comes all the way down. Textures and meshes are very nice. If there was a contest for the best Lara face, this author would win it. Keep making great outfits:).

(13 Dec 2004 01:36)
TR1 remake
by Danilo
A Classic Classic

This outfit is an appropriate tribute to the classic Lara we all love. Perfect meshes - and so . . . smooth compared to before;)-, well-rotated textures, And a nice mix of the original outfit and nice up-to-date styling like the belt and the very cool guns. Thank you so much for making such a nice outfit. As it is meant to be, it is a remake. However, this is, as other reviewers have pointed out, the first time that this particular remake was done, so it deserves a high score. The quality, as I said above, is perfect. Usability, as in the first Tomb raider, is almost universal. It might look a bit odd in Antarctica, but not very many other places. I expect to see this outfit in any TR1 remakes of the future. Thanks for such a nice addition to the TRLE world.

(25 Nov 2004 01:03)
by Golden Dawn
A royal beauty

Really, of all the custom objects, this is one of the best and most true-to-life that I have seen. I suppose that technically it isn't original, since it's real- but no one has done it before! I can't imagine why, since this object seems to perfect for Tomb Raider. And, I suppose useability should be down, but it can be used in museums, as a secret item, in Egyptian settings, or in Lara's home, or as an artifact in VCI, or even in a level set in Germany…yeah, unlikely, but still. I hope this one continues to get good reviews, because if any object deserves the full 4 stars, I think this one does.

(16 Aug 2004 18:34)
Pirates of the Caribbean?

This outfit is very cool and stylish, though not the type I'd put in my own levels. It reminded me a lot of Captain Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, played by Johnney Depp. The eyes and the head band really looked like him. An interesting, well-constructed outfit, with many original meshes and a very interesting style.

(28 Jul 2004 06:26)
Green Jeans
by Danilo

I absolutley love this outfit! To start with, though it is similar to AOD, it has its own style and character to stand on its own. Like the New AOD Jean outfit, the pants have wonderful textures and meshes. The shirt is one of the most flawless and acurate renditions of AOD shirts out there. The hair has something about it that just is perfect for Lara… maybe it is the way her ponytail hangs, but it strongly reminds me of TR1, though it has a braid. It is what, in my mind, lara should wear all the time. The head mesh, like so many of Danilo's, is one that truley captures Lara's character. Thanks for another great outfit! Not to mention to cool new guns that come with it:).

(21 Jul 2004 05:54)
New AOD jeans
by Danilo
Drop dead gorgeous

This outfit has got to be one of the best I have ever seen. The jean textures are amazing, as are the capri-like meshes and the shirt is flawless in its detail. Lara's hair and new ponytail were especially nice to see- I love the back of the head, though I can't pinpoint why. Danilo's head meshes have alwaays been good, but this is the top. Definitly usable in any city or house level, or even out exploring in temples. Somehow, though, I wouldn't want to get an outfit that nice dirty by wading through mud and dodging spikes. Great job:).

(20 Jul 2004 05:37)
My favorite outfit brought back

This outfit is a great remake. I am very fond of deskj's remake lines, I just hope he gets to the TR2 Bomber jacket and the TR3 Antarctica remakes. This one is very nice, with good backpack straps (something I have only seen on deskj's outfits) and nice detail on the shorts. I liked the gun belt and holsters especially:).

(20 Jul 2004 05:32)
Cool remake!

Well done remake of the London Catsuit. The textures retain the original feel and quality of TR3, but deskj's head mesh adds a great, new twist to the outfit. By far the best London remake out there, and definitly worth using in an infiltration or sneak-about-the-rooftops level. deskj's outfits just keep getting better:).

(20 Jul 2004 05:28)
AOD Prague Outfit

Alright, this is a good rendition of an AOD outfit, especially notable for the new face. I think that this face is, perhaps, the closest to the AOD lara we have come, but it just doesn't make the cut, in my opinion. The facial features are fine, but the ears really bothered me- they looked too lumpy, but maybe that's just me. The testures all looked very AOD, which is good. I like the front of the pants, though the place where they joined at the bottom looked odd. Her hair was also strange, switching the color and texturing half-way ontop of her head. With work on the side and back of the head and the back of the pants, this could be an excellent outfit to use in the up and coming year, what with AOD texture sets, and, I am sure, retro-AOD levels coming soon.

(20 Jul 2004 05:25)
Perfect for Lara

Wow! This outfit is stunning, fresh, and unique. She looks great, too. Sometimes, outfits can be really new and exciting, but frankly Lara doesn't belong in them This one fits her and her personality quite well. Only trouble is that it doesn't look esactly fit for, say, running around a tomb or junbgle. I would absolutley love to see a version of this outfit with the pants tucked in, so that it could be more versatile. As it is, it is perfect for any kind of city or coastal setting. Great job!

(04 Jun 2004 18:51)
winged demon *UPDATE*
by Golden Dawn

I wouldn't want to meet this thing in an alley! Wow, I can imaginbe all sorts of tomb-like places where this evil creature could hang out. Would have been perfect for the Ireland levels in TRc, and I am sure it will be used in many custom levels in the future.

(25 Feb 2004 04:40)
Next Generation
One of a kind

I think there are only two or three other outfits resembling the concept art for AOD, and this one is certainly the best of them. I can only judge by the picture, though, since in-game the outfit doesn't work for me, so I gave it a low rating in usability. If it works for other people, than everyone else is in for a treat! Good outfit for levels that are in city environments, or in tombs. Would be great to see a level sporting this outfit and based on the architecture of the AOD concept art:).

(25 Feb 2004 04:39)
by MissKroft
Perfectly elegant

Very elegant, stylish look to this outfit. Certainly not one that I would run around tombs in, or get wet in, but perfect for a Rome ao day-time city level. Sort of reminds me of a young teacher I once had. If Lara were at home, this would be a great outfit to. She looks like a real person, instead of a tomb raider.

(25 Feb 2004 04:22)
Nevada Outfit
by deskj
Very cool remake!

I have been looking forward to a really good remake of this origianl outfit from TR3. The textures look great, and look slightly updated from the ones in TR3. Really good job!

(25 Feb 2004 04:18)
A good AOD outfit

AOD outfits are done a lot, but each one, I find, has its own good parts, and not so good parts. This one has nice eyes, lips, and the textures are well implemented, if not terribly original. The hair across the face is a nice touch, though. Certainly, when I look at this outfit, it stands out among other AOD outfits because of the distinctive face.

(25 Feb 2004 04:13)
Showing 1 to 15 of 16 reviews
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