AoD outfits are all unoriginal these days. Everyone creates, or tries to create, exact replicas of the outfits without adding their own touch to it.The textures, while somewhat excusable for a wetsuit, still don't meet my expectations. The quality of this outfit wasn't that great. As said before, the pic posted is not what the outfit looks like... not at all.
Although there are several black shirt outfits that basically use the same textures over and over, this one is slightly different. The blue sleevels give it a little more originality than other outfits of the same shirt. The pants, while good in textures and average in meshes, give it a little less usability. All in all this is a decent outfit.
While the outfit has a lot of originality, it doesn't have a lot of useability. However, that won't stop people from using this outfit in levels. I thought that my first outfit, hotpepper, would never be used in any level, was actually used in two. The textures were good, but I think the top could have looked awesome with the sparkle effect (as seen in the popstar outfit and a couple others). The meshes wern't all that amazing in my opinoin.
Fist thing I noticed was the headmesh. I really didn't like angie's face plastered on the headmesh for one reason, it makes her face look flat. If a higher poly face was used, this would have made it look a whole lot better. The hairbit looked too unrealistic and gave a cartoonish look to the otherwise realistic looking outfit. I simply loved the wetsuit textures. They matched the TR2M wetsuit perfectly.
Originality is at a minimum with AoD outfits. Like I've said before, don't create an exact replica of an outfit, try to improve on it.
The quality isn't very good on this outfit as I notices quite a few bugs with the meshes along with a few others. Several holes appeared in Lara's shorts at various times.
I simply loved this outfit. The colors used for the camo work in harmony with each other to create a brilliant masterpeice. It works well in the jungle enviorment that I tested it in, and I'm sure it'll fit in many more. The dual desert eagles gives a great new feel when blasting away enemies. I'm definatly adding this one to my folder of speical outfits.
A decent outfit, but nothing entirely amazing either. The hat didn't match the outfit a whole lot, but the rest of the outfit seemed to go together. The pants seemed a little blan and could have used better textures.
Why is everyone creating remakes? Why not something original? When creating a remake think of how to improve the outfit, not how to make an exact replica of it, especially if there are already replicas of the outfit already available to the community. Add a knife to the boot, bandana around the arm, small things like that can improve an outfit termendously.
[i]Edited by TR_Nut[/i]
Using someone else's mesh isn't bad if proper credit is given. However, when you take it off of an outfit to create an outfit based on the same exact idea, the originality goes way down.
This is however a nice outfit with the only bug being in my outdated pajama top. The skin tands to peek through the top, which I was in experienced with meta at the time to fix.
The perfect fit for my cambodia style level, "Spirits Within," that I'm working on. Other than needing to be moved lower in a cad program, the only thing that the horizon could have used was a higher poly count to give it a little more demension. Other than that, it's perfect for any evening/tropical level.
That headmesh looks strickingly like the one I created for the CS&P outfit me and Litepulsar created. In fact, in a cad program, it looks exactly like the CS&P one. If you use other people's work, please credit them!
Anyway, about the outfit. the dress mesh didn't look so great mainly because of the holes in it. Also it seemed to cover the back more than the front. Even when doing the simple task of walking Lara's legs stick out. The textures wern't anything rememberable.
Sorry, but it's been done before... plus the fact that the whole AoD outfit idea is getting very outdated doesn't help the originality factor. However, other than the originality issue, this outfit was very well done. I especially liked the headmesh although her appearance seemed a little to young (nothing major). Textures were decent, the pants looked like they were taken from AoD, the boot textures have definatly been used in several outfits before (either that or they look a extremly similar), and the shirt textures needed a lot of work.
Most of the meshes are very well done and can be used as a basis for several outfits to come.... except for one. Several people probably already know which mesh I'm talking about, the head mesh. The face just doens't look quite human. The bridge of the nose starts below the eyes instead of at the same level as them like it should. The chin and cheek area also looks too thin. Other than that, it's a great mesh pack.
An excellent creation off of another gaming character. However, it doesn't quite fit the LE enviorment. The textures were very good, and the meshes were good as well. The knives could have used either better texturing or better meshing, but it's not that big of a problem.
Almost an exact copy of Jill Imortal, but with a dress, blonde Lara head, and same skin pigment.The dress was a little better than most, but it looks slightly strange.