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Location: Right here!
Interests: TRLE, Music, Art, Film, Languages
Birthday: 29 Mar 1990
Gender: f
Showing 61 to 75 of 485 reviews
Spring Fashion
by White Tiger

*There are too diffrent versions in this wad, I am mainly reveiwing on the green one, but the black one was also very much note worthy and not to be un-noticed.* Original: Well I must say this takes the cake, so to speak. The originality is incredible in this outfit. The tattoos, the sleaves, the colors. Only thing that is not all that much original would be the jeans, but they look diffrent than most of the others. Quality: I saw no bugs, does not mean there are none, but I did not see any. Everything looked pretty good, maybe not perfect but good. Textures still take 3-4 texture pages though. Useable: This outfit is rather difficult to fit into a level, at least the first version is hard to fit. The second version will fit well into citys and home levels. First version: Vivid colored levels, and a bit fantasy or party level style. Second version: Slightly snowy levels, outdoors, city or home levels. Custom textures: The icon (Fat little Angel is it?) on the green shirt is very, umm... Not of high quality, yet still cute. The pants are really nice, but the blue part near the end dose not fade very well and is rather noticible. The face textures are great, and the 60s earings were a great touch. Custom meshes: The head mesh is very good and the earings (And for the second version, the hat.) The chest for the second version was very good, I really liked that one. The sleaves on the green version (1) was very cool as well. ~ I found the first version very original and cool. The second version was really pretty and had good style. I'm still in shock of your talent so eairly on in creating outfits. Great job! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(02 Jan 2005 00:51)
Author Reply
Thank you very much 4 review because I think your outfits are the BEST! Yes, there are 2 different outfits! Dark version is very similar to’ Fall Fashion’ so I have put this one whit green version! Next time I will use some better pants model & better shirt textures. *** NEXT OUTFIT IS MILITARY FASHION! ***

Fall fashion
by White Tiger

Original: It looks diffrent than most outfits. The jeans and face resemble other outfits made by this author, but that's creator style showing. A few things look like other outfits and other things new to just this outfit. Quality: A few little missplaced textures and also the textures take up 4 texture pages (Witch may limet the level it can be used in). Useable: City, outdoor or home levels would best suit this outfit. Custom textures: I'm not sure why the elbows were textureed with a dark burgandy when the rest of the jacket is a medium shade of burgandy. The face was nice, I like the lite coat of makeup look that was given. The jacket texture was very good, not perfect but really good. The pants are ok, some textures seemed a bit streched and didnt look like they matched the other jean textures. All other textures were nice, nothering plain so that is good. Custom meshes: The jacket was one of my favorites, and it's been made by triangle pieces rather than squre - witch means the jacket is bug free. Her forehead looks a bit large, but that's only my opinion. Possibly a bit more hair near the forehead would have been a nice touch? The hat was very cute and the earings was a good touch. She has allot of unique style. ~ A very nice outfit indeed! I think she is very pretty. It would be lovely to see her grace her presents in a level someday.

(02 Jan 2005 00:33)
Author Reply
''(I'm not sure why the elbows were textured with a dark burgandy when the rest of the jacket is a medium shade of burgandy.)’’ There’s shining problem! I didn’t know what to do so I have put that texture. Next time I will do something better whit textures! Thank you!


Original: I have to say thisis one of your best outfits, Lara looks very sweet yet tough, a bit sporty too. I think it's incredibly original for many reasons, and also not so original in other aspects. Let's take a look. :) Original & not so original things: The chest mesh's style is very original in both color and style. Orange is rarely ever usedm and you did a wonderful job when using this color. The necklace is also original because you and I are (I think) the only ones who have added this to an outfit before, and still very few outfits have it. Only originality tht lacks here is that the chest mesh was made by Golden dawn then modifyed by me then modifyed by you (lol!). The thing that pants style, meshes and textures are a very low in originality for they have been used in your previous outfits before and the style of jeans has been used by many. The shoes are also an originalty lacker, they are TR4 (Don't quite seem to match the style somehow. Regular city shoes may have matched better?). The head has also been used beofore, but I think it's one of your best! And it matches this outfit's style very well. SO.... Basicly, it's not a full 10 but it does had it's own style that seperates it from all the rest of the outfits made here. :) Quality: A few little things found here and there that could have been made better or fixed. Mostly very small things that are listed in meshes and textures. Such as a double sided face on the hair, missplaced texture, a few texture rotatons needed, and the neck hole needs to be patched up cause of the connected neck. Useable: It's not your typical TR outfit. Best for city levels or a young Lara with guns level. Custom textures: The jeans are nice, I've seen them before - I belive it was your green idenity outfit? Not completly sure witch outfit, but I know you've used them before, not a big deal though. The orange texture is nice, I like the fade and is way better then just a plain texture. Though I think it could have used some extra details to make it look a tad bit better. Still good though. The zipper is also nice, it's hard to make a zipper look good with it being so small. The boots textures could have been rotated better, some are sideways and others in diffrent directions witch looks a bit odd. Last things I noticed would be the double sided face on the back of the ponytail, hardly noticible unless you know it's there, not really seeable in game either (But it is there.). Oh and there was a missplaced texture on her hair, it was gray. Over all: Good textures, all had nice little details - nothing really plain but nothing "wow" worthy either. Custom meshes: The neck is conected to the chest, witch in my opinion is fine, but if you do that you need to patch up the neck hole that is in her head so she won't look like her head is cut off when she swims (I always seem to forget this too!). The head mesh is beauiful! I think it's the best one you have made so far. But one of the bangs goes through her head, not a very big deal because the other hair piece almost covers it up. The belt is very simple, but it's 3d witch is a plus. I like the pant leg mesh, it's nice, I really like the style! Over all: Meshes have been used in pervious outfits, but they are all pretty good. ---- I feel like I'm nag, nag, naging. But I here lately every little detail seems so huge, I find myself traped in my own expectaions, hopfuly I'm not doing that to everyone else. I really do like this outfit, I think you did a beautiful job with it. It's really very pretty and shows much personality. I hope someone uses it in a level, it's very much worth it. :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(27 Dec 2004 21:24)
by Danilo

Original: First Earth that I have seen made. (Edit: Oops, I'm sorry I forgot to rate that part!) Quality: Wonder quality, I saw nothing that makes it glitchy. Useable: Great for space levels! Custom textures: I think they could have used more vibrant colors, it was a bit dullish looking, but not bad. Not quite as good as some of your others, still very nice though! Some rotation near the top of the planet would have been better. Though I know placing textures on a round object takes forever, and you did a lovely job for Earth every where else. :) And, last thing, it takes up many texture slots. Custom meshes: Simple, like the other planets. But there is'nt much that you can do for a round planet. ;) I'm glad you made this, I was about to ask you to make it yesterday (lol). I would very much like to use this in one of my levels. Thank you for making it! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(27 Dec 2004 20:35)

Original: Well I know it is not a remake, and the intension is to help fix the bugs. But I honestly can't see this geting a 10, it still has all of Lara's TR4 texture and mostly the meshes. Quality: No bugs found, I did'nt expect any either. ;) All of the new joints are amazing and work great! Useable: It is about the most useable outfit for both levels and for other outfit creators. :) Custom textures: All are from TR4 except for the straps; witch I thought looked a bit sharp, it may have looked better if it faded very slighty to her skin color so it would look better. But this is the only custom texture (Or is it from TR6?) that I could see. Custom meshes: There are some custom meshes here, but on the joints, such as the elbows & the knees. They have less polys I belive, but if it can save some remaping, it's very much worth it! No holes of course, and all looks and works amazing! ---- As another outfit maker I can say that is is very much a help in future outfits, or just to see how you've fixed it. About two months ago I attempted something very much like this, I fixed the elbow much like this one, the left worked but the right did not. So I gave up that. But I am glad to see that this can be done and works very well. A lovely addition to our online collection. :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(19 Dec 2004 20:47)
Author Reply
Thank you for the review, Trinity! I hope this WILL be a start of a new era in outfit designing, with properly working joints and no bugs. I know what you mean with the holster straps, and they were my only add-on for the outfit, the rest was a fixing job. They are a bit sharp, but I've missed some for so long, I just added the AoD ones and left it at that. Could have been a bit better, but I focused on making it a new base outfit for design, so the holster straps don't really count for it, in a way, but does, in another. It's all individual, but myself, I just made some for the completeness of the holsters. But, I'm talking too much. Thank you again for the review, and I hope the outfit will be of good use for all the members!

by xavier34000

Original: I can't remember an outfit that looks quite like this. The only part that loses originality are the meshes and textures that TRangel almost always use (Head, chest). Quality: I did not see any bugs myself, but I've seen this outfit pictured in a "Weird TR Gliches" thread sevral times (2 or 3 times actualy) and the outfits seemed extreamily messed up in those. And although I never had the outfit mess up that badly, it did not seem 100% stable when I tested it. Useable: It's not quite regualr TR style, maybe ok for a city level though. Custom textures: The face textures are by TRangel, but modifyed by you. In my opinion the modifications did not go far enough, leaving it looking rather "Freakish" and wide eyed. 0.0 The other textures, such as the pants, are almost one plain color. They do have some added on details, but the basic color has none. It's that way for the whole outfit. The textures need more details, but there are a few here and there. Custom meshes: They are fine. Nothing new or special, mostly from TR4 and from TRangel - then some modifications. Also, the stomach joint is wider, making Lara look a bit heavier (Weight). -Btw, the guns are made by TRnut. ;) - I know you are still new at outfit making, and I hope you do not mind me pointing out these things. The outfit has very good style, I admire that, the outfit just simpley needs extra details and some new meshes. But I still like it the way it is right now. :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(19 Dec 2004 06:03)

Original: It's a bit of a TR4 remake, wich has been done before, so it loses originalty there. Also the fact that another member suggested someone make this outfit and yet you did not mention that. Most outfit textures, if not all, are from TR4. A 7.5 would do best here. But consitering just the way it looks, it's not all that original. So I gave it a 7. Quality: Neck joint is connected to the chest and the neck hole on the head is not patched up. So when she jumps in fromt of a camera or is swiming this is noticible. I personaly don't mind, but when playing in a level it just ruins the effect of the level when Lara's head is not attached when swiming. 0.0 Other than that there are no bugs, just maybe some better needed textures (But that counts in the textures rating). Useable: It's very TR styled, so it should fit very well into a level for Lara. Custom textures: I noticed a misplaced texture on the backpack strap, near the end on the left side. Then another on the front side of the straps. This can not be seen in game, therefor I do not downrate because in game is what really matters. Also if you had spent about 5 more minuets on texturing the chest mesh, you probibly would have been able to rotate the sides of the backpack correctly. The textures for the shirt actualy seem more simple then the ones from TR4, such as the rinkel on the back and the texture that was on the tummy. Now it looks a bit plain. Then that takes me to the pants. Needs both better textures and better rotations to say the least. Custom meshes: Most of the meshes are rather simple. Nothing wrong with that. The chest mesh looks nice, but the straps are extreamly thin and end before they attach to the backpack. Consitering all that Lara stuffs into her backpack one would think she would need thick and well attached straps. ;) The head mesh is cute, but one of the bangs is stuck in her forehead and the nose is ok in Strpix, but looks odd in game. I think the lighting needs to be reset on the head mesh too, or maybe it's the way it's made. The pants meshes looked good, I especialy liked the meshes where the pants end. An update would be nice, and last I heard you were working on one. I'll be hoping for a redo. But this here is a nice outfit anyway, just needs some work. ;) :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(19 Dec 2004 05:44)

Original: In this section, the outfit lacks. Let's take a look: First of all, you've used a head mesh that looks like this in 23 of your outfits now. I know you have modifyed it, and it looks better then the pervious ones, but it still resembles the other 23 outfits. 2nd, the head mesh looks like a strong imitation of GeckoKid's head mesh he made in 2002 for his "The begining" level. His head mesh came first, and yours came soon after that. 3rd, ok I know this is another on the head mesh, but it looks like an AOD remake. 4th, The shirt looks like it's from AOD, it even the same textures from AOD - witch have been used in not only TR6 but also in many other outfits. 5th, The pants are AOD textures, just simply re colored, or rather "Tinted" a purplish red. But it's obvious that they are from AOD - again been used from TR6 and used in many outfits. 6th, misc textures used from older outfit from this author or from TR6. Like the socks, shoes, face textures, hair. Also most meshes resemble older outfits from this author. Another thing that bothered me, (this here won't effect the outfit rating) is the fact that your using this in a imitation level of Harly Wuson's Devilish Habitats. Witch shows a very low amount of originalty over all. Possibly try somthing diffrent for a change? ;) -And so, I take one point off for each catagory. Quality: The chest mesh had one little bend face. It can only be seen from the front while Lara is moving. But that's really all that I could see. Otherwise, this has good quality. :) Useable: Other then bugs and some other small factors that might keep the outfit from being used, I think this would fit best into Home levels. Custom textures: On the left of her bum I noticed a misplaced texture a gray texture. Also the spot where her skin meets the pants on her bum mesh, her skin is bright orange. But you can only see this small thing in strpix and is not visible in game, so it does not matter all that much. And some places on the hair and belt could have used better rotations. The pants look very good though, I think you did a wonderful job in placing the leg textures. But not the bum, the pockets are higher up than normal jeans would be, and the way the textures are placed and the belt higher up makes her bum look gigantic. Very unatractive. Most of these textures, if not all, are modifyed from TR6. Custom meshes: I noticed the backpack straps sticking out, so I looked at them closer. Some straps go through the backpack, witch looks ok, but then others are only half way in and just end there, floating in the air. The belt could have also been more 3D, rather then paper thin witch makes it look unrealistic. Another thing, Lara looks about 10 - 15 pounds heavier, the stomach join is wider and her other meshes are slighty of a larger frame. For a normal woman this would be perfectly fine, but most TR players will probibly notice the increase of weight on Lara. The good things are that you have kept the outfit of a good high poly Lara. The chest mesh is well rounded, and the bum is well made too, it just looks bad with the textures making it look rather on the large side. I did'nt much care for the chuncky, stuby hands though. The head mesh is well made, I personaly don't like it, but you made itvery high poly with no holes. I have to admire the time it must have taken. ;) ---- Cons: Originality is very low and there are things that could be very much improved. Pros: Pants on the legs are great. And meshes are mostly very nice. Over all: Could be better, and it's fine in a level if you never pay close attention to the quirks in the outfit. A lovely try indeed, just a little bit of work needed to make it better. :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(19 Dec 2004 05:19)

Original: It's a remake, one that has been done before. Then colors have been changed. But because of the color change the originality still remains. Quality: No bugs, no gliches - Everything looks very good. Useable: Great for TR winter levels, and with this you can just pick the color that would look best with your level. Custom textures: All good textures. The Black is more of a dark gray - so you can still see the details. And same for the white and blue. And camo looked very good too, a nice camo shade. Custom meshes: Great meshes, and no holes. The chest mesh and the other meshes that make the jacket look so good - just wonderful! And all other meshes were great, too. Very nice, great job! :D

(19 Dec 2004 04:40)

Original: This outfit was originaly from TR3, so it loses originality there and the fact that it's been remade a few times. Quality: Everything here is wonderful. I saw no problems or bugs here. Useable: Great for classic TR levels, TR3 remakes or just a Lara Croft level in need of a snow suit. Custom textures: Wonderful textures. The jacket has great textures. Not much room for imporvment, very good as it is. And the camo is well done, too. Custom meshes: I love the jacket meshes! They fit so well together, it much have taken a while to get the meshes to look right together. The pants meshes are good too. ---- This is one of the best, if not the best, remake of this outfit! :)

(19 Dec 2004 04:34)
Sophia Leigh *UPDATE*
by Golden Dawn

Original: It's an already created character, and she's been made many times before as an enemy. But this is a playble version, so it does have some originality in that and her better meshes makes her look diffrent and better. Quality: It has many bugs, as mentioned, witch brings down the rating. Useable: If you want to play as the bad guy in TR3 style then this would fit good. But I don't know if I've ever seen a level quite like that before. Custom textures: The black has no details, but the face looks nice and the hair is pretty good too. Custom meshes: I think the shape could have been a little bit smoother, but the meshes that you made were still good and I saw no holes in them.

(19 Dec 2004 04:24)
Moulin Rouge
by Golden Dawn

Original: Well, I have never seen an outfit quite like this. All you have to do is look at it and you'll see. :) Quality: No bugs, no holes in the meshes, all textures were rotated good. But the texture could be better. Useable: Uhhhh, lemme think..... Nope, came up with nothing... But maybe a joke level or some bar or something. ;) I hate to give it a 6, that's just disapointing, but I honestly can not see this geting a high rating in this catagory. Custom textures: Well, they are actually pretty bad... No offence, but they are... It kinda looks like it was made in paint. Unfortunetly the textures are a killer downrate. Custom meshes: The meshes are nice. The hair is cool, and chest mesh is nice. They not perfect, but do not have any glitches and work well with the outfit. ---- I know this is one of your first outfits, I think it's cool to see how you have imporved over the months.

(18 Dec 2004 20:34)
Winter fashion
by White Tiger

Original: We have many snow outfits, but that is a good thing. This outfit is diffrent from the rest of the winter type outfits. It has a scarf, this is the second outfit on the SE to have a scarf. Also the winter jacket with the jeans looks like no other. Quality: No bugs that I could see and no downrates here. Useable: Perfect for snowy city levels. It just fits great there. Custom textures: The pants had amazing textures! For both of the versions. The jacket had some details, it could have been improved slightly, but it is good just the way it is! The shoes could also use some more realistic textures. But even with that, you did an amazing job, I am truely shocked at the amount of detail for only your third outfit! You are already better then some of the members that have been working with outfits for months. (Not that they do a bad job ;) ) All textures were well rotated. So the only thing that brings the rating down is the purple (And in the other version, tan, I think) textures that could use a bit more detail. :) (But don't you dare forget about the awesome pants! :D ) I would give it a 8.5, but that is not possible, so I gave it a 9. Custom meshes: The jacket was lovely, one of the best jacket meshes I've seen. The scarf was also well done, I like the second version for that one. Pants meshes were also really well done. Shoe mesh was nice as well. The only 2 thing that did not quite look right were the hands and the head band. The hands are good still, they just seemed to be an odd position. I know hands are hard to make, and I've only seen two really good hand meshes before, so I think you did a pretty good job with that. The second thing, the head band, was well made, it just did'nt seem to fit in the outfit. Maybe a hat would have been a better choice? ----- You did an amazing job! I hope you continue making outfits, because you make very good ones! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(18 Dec 2004 20:19)
by Golden Dawn

Original: She looks like no other outfit on the SE. It has a really cool look. Quality: No bugs that I found. All looked good. Useable: Not sure what kind of level this would look best in. A punkish, gothic level. Maybe dark city streets. But still hard to place her. Custom textures: Could use some work. They are not plain, just not overly detailed. I liked the dress texture, and the logo on the shirt looked very good. ;) Custom meshes: Some of the meshes could have been better. I think the hair could have had some bangs so she looks more attractive. But it's ok as it is. ---- I love the style of this outfit! It's very cool, and a good gothic punk style. :D

(16 Dec 2004 23:43)

Original: The updated version is very original outfit wise. It resembles some other outfits, and the face is TR3. Otherwise it's very original. Quality: I saw no gliches, everything looked good and worked well. Useable: Great for jungle levels, and other TR styled levels. Custom textures: The textures are better than just plain ones. And the give it a 3d look on the shirt. They are not perfect, but I love the details that have been added. Custom meshes: Meshes are well shaped, and look very nice. I like the shirt allot, is has style. I like the updated outfit allot! It's practicly a new outfit! It is really cool, great job! :D

(16 Dec 2004 23:14)
Showing 61 to 75 of 485 reviews
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