This is a wonderful outfit! Every little detail so carfuly placed, every mesh perfected and remaped. I can really understand what 20 hours of work on one outfit is like. I really respect the patience you have for creating outfits, and just how perfect you can get them.
Original: There are 3 of this outfit, then 3 or 4 more of her other outfits. Forgive me, but I must downrate. Both for the fact that this is not a completly new idea and that others have >tryed (And failed)< to remake this outfit. Now don't get me wrong, this is by far the most outstanding remake of this outfit ever for the TRLE!
Quality: I found a glitch!!!.... Heh, yeah right. :p
Of course this has no glitches. The closest thing to having a glitch is when using both fog bulb and flare at the same time she has an odd bright spot where the eyes stop and the nose bridge is. Hardly anything at all, as most 3d faces go unusualy dark in color when using a flare. So this is really much better then any other to this day.
Useable: I've seen a NOLF level being made, I belive it never got finished, but it shows that there is intrest. Seeing the outfit in game just makes me want to use it, even though it really doesnt fit into with the levels I am curently making. And that's saying alot because I don't think I've ever really wanted to use someone elses outfit in my own level.
So for a NOLF level this is perfect, and you made this Cate archer probibly mainly for being used in a NOLF level. So in my opinion, this is completly perfect for a NOLF level, no better choice out there.
Custom textures: I like the fact that the clothes look worn in, and actualy wearable. Rather than those outfit's Lara wears that you have no idea how it's possible to fit into.
The front and the back of the chest mesh's textures were very good. I wasnt as impressed with the placing of the textures on the sides, but the fact the the textures are just so details makes you forget all about that tiny thing.
The skin textures are very good, I've been working on a face for a week so I can get the textures to look like a real person, so I know the long process this can be. Not only did you do it to the face but also the skin that is somewhat revealed on the chest mesh as well. Again I'd like to take a close look at the head mesh, at first you think the eyes are awesome textures but then you see they are 3D! I'd always been very impressed by 3D eyes on characters for the TRLE, and this is by far the best. The fact that the eyes blend so well and so smooth... it's just... wow! She's just so realistic, I love it! The hair textures are also great and well placed.
Only thing to suggest: I saw maybe 3 textures that could have been edited to match the texture next to it better (But who am I kidding? 3 textures?! Pah, never mind.) I think making the holsters white would have been cute, and it would match the belt it's hanging off of. Also maybe adding some shade to the boots or making them shiny, but it's still remarkable even so.
Over all it's the best texture job I've ever seen! :D
Custom meshes: Ok something I notcied and totaly love is the fact that Cate's "size" is normal. Her stomach is not so skiny she looks like she's just going to drop dead or break when bending! She looks more like a real woman now. lol. And unlike the attempts by other outfit creators, she looks real as opposed to looking over wieght somehow.
The belt mesh was very cool, one of the very first things I noticed. lol. The head mesh is by far the best one ever built for the LE (The best one that works and looks good, too!). The chest mesh is equaly good as is every single mesh on this entire outfit.
Oh and the hair, I love the big 60s hair!!! :D (I think I already said that...)
So, in conclusion, this is by far the best outfit you will ever come across to this day. A true inspiration to all.
Congratulations and a big "Whoa!!!!!" to you for making such an incedible outfit!! :D :D :D
(23 Jan 2005 04:32)
Author Reply
I love long and good reviews, and this one was such a thrill to read! I appreciate all the comments, and the fact that people see me as the bug-less creator makes me feel all my work is worthwhile! I really consentrate on the quality, so I'm glad to see that people notice that! :D And don't worry, there might be more Cate Archer outfits coming!!