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Location: Right here!
Interests: TRLE, Music, Art, Film, Languages
Birthday: 29 Mar 1990
Gender: f
Showing 31 to 45 of 485 reviews
Cate Archer - Casual
by MrNiceGuy
Haven't I seen this before? :p

Original: There is already a remake of this outfit on the SE and it's an already existing character, so I've lowered it a tiny bit. (please don't kill me! Ooo, a 9!) Quality: Nothing to lower the quality, it's about as perfect as an outfit can get. I would give this outfit a higher rating, but the top limit is only a 10. Useable: Great usability for NOLF levels, also maybe a party level, because of the dress. Not the average Tomb raiding outfit, but I think if anyone were to make a NOLF level this would be perfect. Custom textures: The textures are perfectly placed, must have taken forever to get them just right! The quality of every texture is wonderful! It still amazes me how well they have been placed, every texture fiting together so well! 0.0 Wow! Custom meshes: The head mesh, like in the other Cate outfit, is beyond amazing!! It's so 3D and so... perfect! It'd be cool to see other characters with such detailed faces and hair! But for now I suppose I'm just left to awe at this one. :p The skirt by P.I. works great with this outfit as well, it really makes it look much better than a regular skirt mesh. Every mesh on this outfit is great! Overall... an awesome outfit!! :D I hope you continue to make more NOLF outfits! :) [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(27 Mar 2005 03:54)
Author Reply
Oh, I'll make at least one more NOLF outfit, maybe even more. There are three remaining in NOLF 1 (one which I won't make and one which I'm not sure if I'll make), and 3 in NOLF 2. We'll see. Anyway, thanks for the review! AAAARGH, you gave me a 9!! :P lol, really, I don't mind at all, all I require is that reviews are fair. :D

Winter Jacket 2
by Danilo

Original: The idea is not new, but it was a request and they tend to be quite plain. The pants are AOD pants (used alot) then turned white, and it has been used in the first winter jacket outfit. The top is from TRC. This outfit lacks in the originality area, unfortunetly, Quality: There was a little glitch with the shoe, nothing very noticable though. Useable: A white shirt with camo pants may have been more useable, but as it is it can be used in good ol' snowy TR levels. Custom textures: Modifyed and already use TR6 textures and TR5 textures... Ummm, I won't rate this part. ;) Custom meshes: As always, I love the head mesh! All other meshes are good, some offical TR and the rest are winter jacket 1 meshes. I didn't, however, like how the pants are slightly tight and then the shirt is very big, it looked quite odd. -- I'm not trying to make it sound like a bad outfit or anything, because it is a good outfit, just not as good as the first. ;)

(06 Mar 2005 23:47)
*Start of review* Yup, it looks like dat TR5 outfit *End of review* :p

Original: As a remake/update of the TRC outfit it loses some originality. There have been some remakes, but they were more like slightly modifyed versions riped from TRC. I don't know, an 8.5? Quality: Oh my gosh this outfit has so many bugs just like all of MNG's outfits! :p Yeah right! As always it has perfect quality. But I'm not going to go into the whole praise thing so your head won't get too big... Useable: This can be used in TRC remakes or add on's (Return for the spear.. or something like that?), perfect for snowy levels as well. Custom textures: Everything is placed with great care, it all matches up with the other camo textures. Most of them are not custom but from TRC. Though there are new ones and modifyed ones. On the right side of the chest mesh the textures seemed out of order, miss placed or something. For an avrage outfit it would look normal I suppose, but everthing else on this outfit is so perfect that the place on that mesh seems odd. Pretty much all perfect textures here. Custom meshes: The chest mesh was cool, I love the new backpack! The other meshes were of equal quality, except for maybe the head mesh. It has no holes or glitches, but it doesn't look quite right. If it's looked at from the side she almost looks like she has an over bite. It's because her lower lip sticks out farther than the top. Unless she does have an overbite, it should be more of the top lip coming out farther on a slight level. The nose is a bit overly thin, but Lara's nose has always been that way so that really doesn't matter. - Soooo basicly, it's better than than the original and I would highly recomend it if anyone is wanting the TRC outfit in their level. ;)

(06 Mar 2005 23:15)
Author Reply
*Start of comment* Thanks for the review, I never thought I'd get another for this outfit! :) I appreciate the interest! :D *End of comment. Really.*


Before I reveiw, I have a suggestion. Maybe change the screenshot, it looks rather ugly in the picture but looks great ingame and in stripx. ;) Original: Well I never had a problem with the catacomb pillars, I thought they were good... Anyway, these collums look diffrent from all the other collums from TR. So I think it has good originality. Quality: I saw no bugs other than the visibility box thing. The collision for the archway is fine, as you more than likey would actulay want to walk through it instead of bumping into it. ;) Useable: Great for almost any TR level. Not as much for snowy levels, but this is made for dustier inviorments I think. Custom textures: I think I've seen them all from TR6 if I'm not mistaken? They were well placed on the collums, but on the inner side of the archway the textures seemed oddly placed. Custom meshes: Nothing incredible, as they are just collums, but the one pictured is pretty cool. :)

(20 Feb 2005 04:58)
So cool!

Original: We've had some grandfather clocks before, but no wall hanging ones. Quality: The meshes are great, same for textures and animations. All looks very good. Nothing to downrate. Useable: Best in home levels, but not small homes, sort of Croft Mansion type levels. Custom textures: They were wonderful. I like how the glass and the clock are seprate, it gives it so much more quality to the look. Custom meshes: Every piece is wonderfuly made. I really like it very much! Custom animations: Great animations for this clock, the swinging pendulum animates very well. Very cool!! I hope you keep making more objects! :)

(20 Feb 2005 04:47)

Original: There have been some fireplace things from the TR games, but none of them looked this good. They also were not as detailed as these. Quality: I saw no holes or glitches, looks good ingame. Useable: Home levels, and the small bondfire-ish looking one could be used outside. Custom textures: I thought they were good, they don't have too be detailed and yet they are fairly detailed. Custom meshes: Again a tad bit simple, but how detailed could things like this get? So I think it's very good. The one with the shovels and other things, that was very well made. The little logs were cool. And my personal favorite, the logs in the metal holder, very good. I though it was so cute, I just had to go test it in my level to see how it looked. ^_^

(20 Feb 2005 04:40)
by trplayer

Original: Well umm, I can't think of any objects like this. Other than the ocasional ones in TR4-5 but they looked diffrent. Quality: No glitches that I saw, it seemed to be all perfect. Useable: Fits best into Creppy level types. Custom textures: The textures reminded me alot of TR2, the maridora level I think. I don't don't know why. They are not overly detailed but in no way plaine. It's a good balance of quality. Custom meshes: Good meshes, not terribly hard to create but still very well made. :)

(20 Feb 2005 04:34)
Perfect. ^_^

What, I haven't reveiwed this yet?!? *Faints* I should seriously slap myself with soggy chips for this! :p Original: Well as an update it's original. As far as meshes go, it's original. Textures are better and some are new, so fairly original there... I'll just skip to the part where I realise this is completly original. Quality: Simply put, Flawless (As always)! No glitches and nothing to downrate. Useable: This is highly useable as it can be used for both outfits and levels. It can work in classic TR or custom character based levels, too. Custom textures: By far it's quite an improvment. :) Mostly in the pistol, it's tons better than the ingame one used in TR4. Much like the inventory version. The main update is in meshes so I don't have as much to say here. I didn't rate this cause most of it is TR4 rather than custom. But everything that is custom is top notch. Custom meshes: The way the hands hold the weapons looks very realistic, even the hand holding the flare looks great! I thought that the regular hand (The one not holding any weapons) maybe has fingers on the slightly long side. Though, my own fingers are short so maybe that's what the usual person's hand looks like. I wouldn't know. :p But long is better than too short because on Lara too short would make her hand look chuby. Though that is only my opinion. The hand is well made, very realisticly shaped and a good size. Something I never really have added to my outfits are the weapons. If custom hands are used then the blocky TR4 hands can't be used. So then ya have to make the hands hold on to the weapons correctly, then importing back into stripx and retexture it. Ah yes, then the fun part, remaping. I'm afriad I never had the guts to make such ajustments, I've always left the guns alone. So I for one am very glad these have been made, as it is a pain to make all of the weapons as perfect as this. ;) Thank you for making them! :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(20 Feb 2005 04:24)
Author Reply
Woooooh!!! I got a review! Yeeeeaaah!! lol, sorry for that, but I never thought this would get another review! It was difficult to create the hands, but since mine are fairly long and overall very natural, I modelled them after mine. Heh, a guy's fingers on a female model... I'm hoping to see some more outfits using these hands, maybe even the ones in the Back to Basics outfit. These will work together no matter which ones you use for each weapon, as long as the outfit's hands are correctly remapped (see the Readme). That means you'll only have to remap two meshes instead of... quite a few, and these are the least confusing as well. :D

Ceynamur Aristid
by Golden Dawn

First off, I thought I had already reveiwed this, but I suppose I didn't. I hope you'll be able to make more outfits and objects once you get the time. You have been missed. Secondly, I must say I hadn't expect such a WAD full of goodies. It has quite to offer. Had the picture shown the whole outfit it may have sparked more intrest, as the full outfit is very cool. Original: Let's see, a dark skined girl in a tad gothic styled print and black outfit. No it's not something you see here every day. Quality: This outfit has a connected joint, the neck. Useable: In gothic levels, or... yeah maybe a gothic level. Not really a typical character or outfit, so it's hard to place it in the avrage TR level. Custom textures: The black was ok, the pants textures were cool, though maybe a few rotations would have been nice. Custom meshes: The head mesh was diffrent, not entirely sure what to think of it. The pants a by Deskj, they fit well into this outfit style. and the new style of chest mesh was cool. I like new characters, and this is another that I have enjoyed taking a look at. I also enjoyed seeing the other versions as sas and such. :D [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(20 Feb 2005 03:46)
Winter Casual
by Danilo

Original: Funny, I was working on an outfit that looks a ton like this one (Alomst exactly actualy, scary!). Must have been on the same brain waves, aye. Well compared to other outfits avalible, this one is diffrent. It has it's own original style. Quality: 1I saw no holes, no glitches of any sort, everything seemed to be peachie good. Useable: I think this could be used in TR movie setings well, or TR1 stlye or AOD... It looks like all TR games and movies mixed into one. How'd you do dat? Custom textures: I found the textures to look better ingame than in Stripx. The seemed either streched or grainy, but it's an interesting stlye, it makes it look warm and fuzzy. Custom meshes: Chest mesh looks great, belt is very cool and overall the meshes are flawless. Some extra details would have been nice, but often level builders would rather have less details so more attention is on the level, not Lara. So for a level this is perfect. Once again, a wonderfuly good job on this outfit! :)

(20 Feb 2005 03:25)
Author Reply
Thanks for your review Trinity! Its scary that we were doing the same outfit! :o I wanna see yours!

by Silent Viper

Original: Again, I don't exactly know how to rate guns in this catagory as I'm far from any weapons expert. Those sense it's based off of another gun from a game it's not 100% original? Quality: The RE3 styled one only had one gap, (you'd never notice it ingame, though) and one missplaced texture (The glove texture is on the handle). M79 also has gaps, over all this one has lower quailty. Useable: It's good for both RE levels and TR levels (I'm thinking they would look good with the TR2 wetsuit for some reason...). Custom textures: The RE3 one has very good textures, and they are very well placed (Well other than the glove texture on the handle, no biggy). Also, when looking at it further, it would have been nice to have the white linmes on the stock match the yellow color of the ammo holder (Thingy... lol). M79 really could have used a nice do over for the woodish texture. The barel looked really cool though... Custom meshes: A little tiny gap on the RE3 one, other than that no problems with it. Could have used a trigger maybe, but it doesn't really matter either way. It was well made otherwise. The M79 I was less impressed with. Her fingers are just stuck in the gun, does not look right at all. It as well has gaps/holes. But the tip of the gun was a nice detail that I liked seeing. I think an 8.5 is best here, but a regular 8 would more than likly give you a heart attack, so I guess it's a 9 then. ;) I liked the RE3 alot, I'm consitering useing it in my RE level (Almost finished). Though there are so many RE guns to chose from I have no idea witch one to pick. :) [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(20 Feb 2005 03:07)

Before I continue on with the reveiw, in the picture there are 3 guns. In the two packs there are indeed 3 guns. But the second gun in the picture isn't in the WAD, just some blue and white retextured version of the first gun. ??? Edit: Oh... Wait that is the gun in the picture. *Blush* Original: Well they are guns, based on RE ones, but the first of this kind for the TRLE. so.... It's original but not completly? I dunno.... Quality: The shotgun looked pretty good to me, I didn't see any problems with it. On the pistol I did, however, notice sevral holes/gaps. In Lara's hand a player would never notice, but it is a little detail that could have been fixed. The weapons in the inventory are not quite right, but it's very hard to get weapons to look right in their inventory slots. Useable: Best for RE levels, as it is an RE gun pack. But will also work well in TR levels. Custom textures: The pistol's textures were really good, I liked the main shotgun as well. The way the lower part of the barel was darker and the top being lighter was very effective. 2nd edit, I forgot to reveiw the blue/white one. It's not exactly top notch, infact it's rather the oposite. The barel of that weapon did look very cool though. Custom meshes: The clip for the pistol seemed noticibly large to me, I don't know if I've seen a clip that thick for a pistol. But I'm no weapons expert, so I don't know if this is just the make of the gun? There were also gaps/holes in the pistol, as I had already mentioned. The shotgun aslo had a little hole, but again not very noticable. :) [i]Edited by Trinity[/i]

(20 Feb 2005 02:44)
Stretch dress
by Poison Ivy

Wow, this is brilliant! Original: Basicly everything here is TR4 or the usual dress look - all but the dress mesh. ^_^ I'll skip on actualy rating this part, because this outfit was mostly made to show the very cool new mesh. Quality: Everything has wonderful quailty. Useable: I can see this being used in brithday levels, home levels maybe even city levels. Custom textures: These textures are fair, but what really makes the outfit sparkle and grabs intrest are the meshes. So I won't go too hard. ;) She probibly would have looked better with regular legs as aposed to the ones she has now, but it is alright as it is. The dress is also simple, but does have some details. ;) Custom meshes: Wow! :) At first you're quite puzzled over the meshes, but then after awhile you see how it's all put together. I think it is an incredible "discovery", if you want to call it that, and I'm sure it'll inspire other builders. Very cool, thanks for sharing!

(20 Feb 2005 02:18)
Party Fashion
by White Tiger
Happy Birthday!

Original: Some features of this outfit resembles others. But this still has high originality otherwise. ;) Quality: I saw no holes nor gliches during testing. Nothing to downrate. Useable: She would work best in home and party levels, possibly city levels. Custom textures: Great textures. Even the skin textures on the face and uper torso are top notch. The jeans are great and same good quailty textures for the shirt and shoes. ;) Custom meshes: The head was wonderful as always. I would, however, like to see a bit more bangs next time. The chest mesh was nice, something didnt look right though. I think it's the way the, emmm... oh nevermind, it just doesnt look quite right. But everything else is great! :) The shoes were cool, somethere also didnt seem right about them, but I can't seem to pinpoint what. Oh, and the end of the jeans were very cool! I think this is a 9.5, the shoes, head and chest could use a tiny bit of work. But honestly, this really is very impressive work. ;) Great job, and Happy Birthday! :D :D

(09 Feb 2005 04:50)
Author Reply
Can you send me a message about chest mesh? :P Next outfit is ‘Fantasy Fashion’ & I will try to do something better whit head & chest meshes! Thanks 4 review!

Military Fashion
by White Tiger

Woah, dude you are too good at making outfits! 0.0 Wow!... Original: I'm really impressed, you've actualy matched up the clothes to their brand name! It's like they are real clothes that you can buy at a store. I think that's highly original, before most people just slap on some jean textures and shirt textures. But wow, this is diffrent, in a very good way. The idea of jeans with a jacket isnt so new, but these are new designs and new color choices. The outfit resembles other outfits made by this author, but I think it's a bit more of a style of the creator of this outfit then repeating anything anyone else has done. Quality: I saw no holes, no misplaced textures, no glitches. All looked good to me. Useable: This can be used in city levels the best, or home levels. I don't think it has anything to do with military other than the shirt has camo, but that's covered up with the jacket mostly anyway. ;) Custom textures: Great textures! The faded part of the jeans could have been smoother. Because it goes from faded to regular jeans color, so it just seemed a bit sharp. Nothing too bad, just a suggestion for your next outfit. The jacket textures were awesome, and the jeans textures were nice. The shoes even had great textures! And the face, wow, great realistic shades of pink in her makeup! The lip textures look very realistic and the eyes have nice details. Mostly the only downside to the textures are the fade (Nothing too bad) and the fact that it takes up 4 texture pages. Custom meshes: The head mesh was nice, I can't decide if I love it or don't like it. 0.o But it is well made. The jacket is great, I love the jacket!! The shoes are good, and the pants are too. All of it is great, very well made and nothing to downrate. A very good outfit, I can't wait to see your next outfit! :) I also hope you add this to the compition. ;)

(31 Jan 2005 21:55)
Showing 31 to 45 of 485 reviews
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