Original: As far as originality I think this outfit is top notch. Sure it's Britney but looking at the meshes and textures, there isn't much anything else like it.
Quality: There were no bugs that I saw. Though it sure was hard enough trying to get the outfit to load as it kept crashing. (?)
Useable: Well, this is where the outfit slightly lacks. The fact that it's Britney limits it to a pop-star level. Or if you just want a different character instead of Lara it'd still be hard to place because of the outfit style. Birthday, party, or flashy city level would be the best fit for this outfit. Also I'd say this would be a casual outfit rather than a fantasy one, but it all depends...
Custom textures: I noticed a few miss-placed textures, nothing too bad. The jeans looked great, a few places where the fade could use a little work (such as the front part could have been blended better so it doesn't look as added-in. That and the back part below the pockets looks a bit flat where it may have looked better if it had some slight shadowing.). The shoes have a great amount of detail, even the bottom of the shoes have good textures. But, I really don't think red was a good color choice as the rest of the outfit is very "girly", with lite colors such as blue and pink. White, blue or pink shoes may have matched better than the old tomboy red shoe look. The shirt textures have great colors and they all blend wonderfuly! It looks really great on the lower sleeves, top sleeve texture could use a little rotation or mirroring. The hair textures have the same quaility just like everything on this outfit. The face textures reseble Britney, but it's not quite looking just like her yet, though very close. The face look very smooth and it's quite pretty.
Custom meshes: I really like the butterfly belt, it's very cute and has great shape. The pants mesh is good, a tad bit thin, though. I would have thought Brit whould have had something with the "flare" stlye, the bigger pant leg. Still as it is, it's great. The shoes are cool and a good mesh, there are even left and right feet. I didn't much care for the chest mesh, however. I like the little white lace on the back but the front is only ok. The shape could use a little work, something just doesn't look right. The rest of the shirt, such as the lower sleeves, has a great amount of detail in the meshes. The hand looks a bit chuby and somewhat too curled, only my opinion though. Last but not least, the head mesh. The hair was nicely set and looks great with the textures that were selected for it. Everything works well together, it looks great!
This is a very good outfit, your 4 weeks of work were worth it! ;) I can really see the effort put into this outfit, you did a great job! :D
(03 Apr 2005 17:32)