This is an object that I will be using in "Return to Atlantis" because it was used in the original Atlantis game. It unfortunately is triggered the moment Lara steps on it so it can't be used to "fool" people into thinking that it's safe (a switch and falling block would work as a trap!)
This is a brilliant enemy - I used it in my hiiden zoo level in the "tunnel" (as in the tunnel from Sea Life centres)
I'm a bit wary of what I get after the TR2 mercenaries but this one works brilliantly! Good one, Michiel!
Good attempt! Do you mind if I make a newer version with TR4 + TR3 meshes for my level "What's Happening Here?" for "TRC2" (Yes, that stands for Tomb Raider Chronicles 2")
This is a brilliant enemy and it fits into a lot of Egypt and Atlantis levels, or even ones taking place inside places such as the TR1's Tombs of Tihocan and Qualopec! Brilliant! I will be using it in my first two levels of "Tomb Raider Chronicles 2" coz its soooooooooo good!
This is not very useable in some levels (although it featured in one of my Egypt levels), and as you said, they fade standing up when killed, or they float and get stuck in a wall. Just use Crossbow or Grenadegun to kill them.
The dog is quite good. Although it sometimes stops one block away from Lara to attack. The dog is useable in most levels (especially in an Area 51 or Security Compuond-type level) and the werewolf is useable in nighttime levels.
This is good! The only downside is that it won't attack Lara first. Troops are a remedy for this problem, as they ALWAYS attack them, just like TR3 Crash Site. When it roars, it sprays poison at whomever it is attacking! That's very good.
I'm using this in my new game! The only real problem is that it rarely does damage. When you enter 1 in the OCB, it stands like a statue and jumps when triggered. That scared me a bit.