When I first saw the preview of Alias #5, I said (and I quote): "That looks fantastic! This could make a nice candidate for best outfit!" And it's still true, even more. The amount of detail in this outfit is simply overwhelming! I kept getting the chills when testing it, I was that amazed! Everything about this outfit is no less than perfect! The textures are so beautiful! Not only are they non-plain, but TR_Nut even made several different red textures for the dress, which is not an ordinary sight! He only used one for the boots though, but that's no problem. And the hair textures look so cool, they even work perfectly on the lips! And would you look at those pistols! Amazingly realistic! And still you kept the textures at an okay size! Great! The meshes are so detailed! I mean, the clothes are fully 3D, not just textures slapped on top of Lara's old torso! The way the dress went along the leg was so brilliant, and it almost eliminated the stiffness of it! The head's meshes are also great, and work perfectly with the textures! I also noticed the size of the Lara object: 1,6 Mb. Curious as I am, I opened up the Animation Aditor, and was not surprised when I saw added animations. Tightrope walking. Pole swinging. I figured it was from Tomo's Last Saga 4 game. Great addition, but it had a small problem. Lara could not climb poles anymore, because of the new animations. Sad, but not many people use poles in their levels anyway, and tightropes are more fun (and challenging) to use. I give you two thumbs up, and a 9.8333333333333333... rating for Alias #5! You can feel proud of yourself, 'cause I'm proud of you! :D
[i]Edited by MrNiceGuy[/i]
(06 Apr 2004 23:23)