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Location: H-Town
Interests: Sports
Gender: m
Showing 1 to 15 of 17 reviews

Originality -8/10 I wish I could give more points ,but this is still AOD. But the outfit is still very good so don't worry :) Quality -10/10 The Quality is very high! I found no bugs. The chest mesh is very 3d and detailed and even has no annoying double faces! Its perfect, and it still looks pretty good in lighted areas. Usability- 9/10 Even tho this is a wetsuit it can also be used on land. They did it in AOD why not now? Custom Textures-10/10 All the textures were perfect and very high quality (just like all our other outfits :) ) The textures for her braid were even nice. There is quite a few but thats still ok. Custom Meshes - 10/10 All the Meshes were also perfect!! The chest and head are my favorite, and finally another outfit with a custom shooting head. I don't see that alot now these days. The knife on her leg was a nice touch. Overall great outfit and im really glad that you made it for me! and you work real fast! How long ago did I ask you to make this? I couldnt have been more then week! Well Thanks again! I really appreciate it! :D I really think this is way better then the original. Maybe they should have hired you to create outfits for Tomb raider? [i]Edited by BlingBlingBrat[/i]

(04 Jun 2005 17:13)
TrLegend Version 2
Great Outfit!

Originality - 9/10 I think the originality is still very high. Since no one else has released a Legend outfit except for TRANGEL. I don't think this outfit deserves a very low rating for this. Quality - 10/10 Perfect Quality! I found no bugs except for when you turn her right knee joint vanishes for a second ,but It took me a while to notice it so its ok. Usability - 10/10 This outfit is a classic. It can pretty much be used anywhere. It has the tomb raider vibe so pretty much you can use this in any level. Custom Textures - 10/10 The textures are alot better then the first version. But I think the placement of them on her shorts in the 1st version are better, but thats my opinion.There still great! Custom Meshes - 10/10 All Meshes were very well made! I love the Legend head you have created! You even have the ends of the gloves 3d like in the legend outfit. The shirt was made pretty good and its still very realistic. The boots are awesome and very detailed. Great Meshes they are very well like the Legend outfit Custom Animations - None Overall this outfit is great! It looks just like the Legend outfit! But next time re-cal the norms on her chest to get rid of that weird shadow!

(25 May 2005 00:54)
TRLegend: coldoutfit

Originality - 10/10 Full Score Here! This is the First Tomb Raider Legend: Cold Outfit here on this Search Engine :) Quality - 9/10 Besides the disapearing parts in the Chest and left leg joint its pretty good. Its not that noticable actually I didn't notice it until I read da reviews. Usability - 10/10 Useable everywhere! I can picture this being used in almost every situation. Custom Textures - 9/10 The Textures are good ,but I would like to see better pants. They are still good though. Custom Meshes - 10/10 I love everything about this outfit! The head looks very much like TrLegend. I also Love how you made the sweater.Its alot better then just having the textures on her. You made it 3D except the back is a little blocky and it looks weird ,but I've gotten used to it. The Boots are perfect! Custom Animations - None Overall I love this outfit and It had inspired me and I have sparked a perfect idea for a level. If I ever get time to make this level I'll definently use this!:)

(15 May 2005 22:49)

I Think I should add my review here before the other one is deleted... First of all I must say...I really do beleive this is the greatest Kurtis Trent Remake made as of now! Originality-9/10 Some people may have no noticed this but this is the 5th Kurtis Trent Remake! I was actually surprised! I never knew we had 4 other remakes of this outfit! Even though we have that many it is still original. It’s not like we have 20 Kurtis T. Remakes. Quality-10/10 I checked this Outfit in Strpix,Animation Editor, and In-Game. This outfit is amazing! You even have all of the Joints working Porperly! This must have been very hard to do! Since all the joints are included there arn't any bugs that I found! Usability-10/10 I can really see this outfit being used everywhere! Cities,Jungles,Arctic,Deserts,Anywhere! Custom Textures-10/10 All of the textures were made by yourself! You did a great job! And it only uses about 1 1/2 pages! Even though I think the shoe textures could be a bit better ,but In-game they don't look bad at all! The hair texture wasn't detailed ,but you can't get very detailed with dark hair so I won't mark off anything on that! Overall these textures are amazing! They were placed soo gooood and It makes the outfit look almost Identical to the AOD Kurtis! Custom Meshes-10/10 As the Said before you have made every single Joint Compatible with Kurtis! It must have took a very long time to get it all working correctly with this outfit! His arms are well done and the Head is amazing! The black shirt sleeves are and the undershirt sleeves are both well made as well there not this Textures placed on Kurtis's Skin Custom Animations-10/10 Amazing work! Im very glad you released a better version! First of all the animations are amazing! They all work very nicely and I really like the gun animations and you did them in like what? a week? amazing It would have took me forever Great job! [i]Edited by BlingBlingBrat[/i]

(02 Apr 2005 02:11)
Author Reply
Thanks for your review~ I'm really happy to see your review!^^ thanks for you give me most 10 point~~

Military Pants
by Danilo
Very Nice!

First off I must admit Danilo is the best when it comes to creating Jungle outfits... Originality-9/10 There are some outfits out with the same color scheme ,but this one sticks out. Its somewhat different!So I only took of one point! Quality-10/10 Quality is Amazing. All the Meshes work good together. Theres only one problem and that being that the Left foot joint that connects the foot and leg sometime disappear ,but this is the fault of the TRC Mesh so I wont mark off for that. Usability-10/10 Its very usable or atleast I think so in Jungles or anywhere outdoors. In Stealth Missions maybe? Custom Textures-10/10 The Texture were very nice. There were all well placed expecially on the pants and shirt! Custom Meshes-10/10 I can't mark anything down in this section. All Meshes very created beautifully and work well together! Custom Animations-none

(23 Jan 2005 04:38)

Well when I first saw this item on the home page under new items I somehow could automatically tell Piega made it... This wad contains One Gargoyle and two Pedestals. Originality-10/10 Well this is the 1nd gargoyle on the search engine ,but this one is a lot better and has alot more details and plus he made pedestals for it! Quality-10/10 All the Meshes were wonderful and were textured beautifully! I dont know how you do it! Usability-9/10 Well Not usabile everywhere maybe in spooky mansion levels. Also Graveyards? Or any place with some sort of stoney wall. Adding this to it makes the wall alot let boring! Custom Textures-10/10 This whole wad contains 28 textures and they were all put together perfectly to match each other. The textures were very detailed as well. I really love the textures used on the gargoyle! Custom Meshes-10/10 Wow! You musthave spent along time working on the meshes! The gargoyle has a very detailed mesh like its beak and its curved toes and its curved wings! The pedestal meshes were also very nice and something new... Like the 1st pedestal that one is just awesome, and so is the tall second one! Custom Animations-None Overall this object is great just like piega's other objects and levels! So you wont be disapointed when you use this object! [i]Edited by BlingBlingBrat[/i]

(08 Jan 2005 19:49)
Author Reply
Thanks, ofcourse you can retexture the pedestals to fit into the level and to reduce texture info for the wad that is used. I only took some example textures to dress up the pedestals.

Fall fashion
by White Tiger

Originality-9/10 Like Trinity said this outfit has alotta new things but some things are the same ,but there are a few cool new things. Such as the Cap. There also arn't many outfits with earings. Quality-9/10 Overall the quality was good. This was definently a nice outfit!Except the textures on the joints still out a little. The bottom of the shoe meshes arnt texture but im not going to mark off as you might have done this on purpose. Usability-8/10 Hmm...These kind of outfits are always hard to use a little. You just have to think about it. Maybe a city level with alotta colorful lights. A home level or a party at a home! Maybe even a club? Custom Textures-9/10 None of the textures were simple! So that is very good. I really liked the jacket textures they went well side by side. I don't know why ,but the way her face texture makes her look really young and a very outgoing person!(and I like it) Custom Meshes-10/10 All of the meshes very pretty good. I saw no holes and they were textured wonderfully! I really liked the headmesh.Its very different from the rest of other peoples outfits! Custom Animations-none I will not rate this part simple cause its a matter of opinion if you like it then you like if you dont then you change it.

(02 Jan 2005 19:38)
Winter fashion
by White Tiger
As Promised...

Originality-10/10 How can this not deserve a 10. There has never been any outfit like this on the search engine before! We have a few winter outfits ,but this has something really different! I can't quite pinpoint what makes it stand out ,but it does! I think cause it seems more errm...Winter Sports like? Quality-10/10 All the meshes were ok and worked pretty good together. Al I could not fine any bugs! Usability-9/10 As said it could be use in snowy city levels(It looks very good in the picture you used on the search engine) ,and since its a little sporty it may be used in some kind of snowy mountain hill. Well just anything will snow or a cold surrounding! Custom Textures-8/10 I really liked most of the textures! The pant texture are just awesome!They were very well put together!For your first outfit its pretty good! The textures are really good for your first outfit as well!I really like the textures used for the compass item. Custom Meshes-9/10 The meshes were great! I really liked the scarf and the headband! They went so good together. The jacket mesh was also very nice as well! Actually all the meshes were great! ,but as said before the hand meshes were ok! Not bad just alright! With a little work they could be great! I loved the compass item! Custom Animations-7/10 The Custom Animation included was the pistol animations. Im not sure if you created this yourself or not ,but if you did they were ok. I saw nothing wrong with the animations. I guess it just depends on what you like. Too me I don't like it that much ,but some people may have a different opinion. Overall this outfit is great! The other review forgot to review your compass item! I LOVE this compass item for some reason ,but maybe you could move the box to the side so it dosn't block the objects at the top. If you want to know what I mean by this send me a PM and I will show you!

(02 Jan 2005 04:17)
Author Reply
4 Trinity: thanks! You are first one ho have review this outfit! Thank you again! 4 Djesk: thank you 4 review! About animations: I won’t Lara to hold guns just the way I’ve made. 4 BlingBlingBrat: thank you! I appreciate your opinion! Next compass will be better!

Ready for Fall
Cool Outfit!

Since Im considering using this outfit I think it would be best to review it... Originality-9/10 Eh..Only marked off a point cause there are many Casual Outfits on the search engine ,but this one has to be my favorite. It is also a lot better then most of the others! Quality-9/10 The Quality is very good ,but one thing I noticed and did not like is the bottom leg mesh. When she is crawling some of it dissapears!It should be double faced. Don't worry as this is a real easy fix in Meta. Usability-9/10 This is realy usable! More useable then most Casual Outfits.Most casualy outfits can only be used in Citys and Homes ,but this can be used in Jungle and Outdoorsy levels! Maybe it will even look good in some temples! Custom Textures-10/10 The Textures were great! I especially loved the pant textures they all fit together so good! I also like the shirt textures though some are plain. This is a matter of opinion if you like them or not so I wont mark down for that! The textures for the face and hair were very nice as well! Custom Meshes-9/10 I love all the meshes Im only marking down for the bottom leg mesh which like I said can easily be fixed in Meta! I have no idea why people dislike your head mesh! I LOVE this head mesh! Its just so awesome! Well this is also a matter of opinion ,but I think you did a great job on it! Some people say they don't like the ponytail and its too short ,but this is a very very very easy to change in Wadmerger. Custom Animations-None Overall a very nice outfit! I love it! Keep up the great work!

(02 Jan 2005 00:05)
Vegetable medipacks
by TifaNazah

Originality- Nice Idea To replace the medipacks with fruit! Quality- Everything looks great! Usability- Not usable everywhere. I don't think it would be good in some places. I will be using the banana in my jungle level though! Have monkeys carry them around =P Hehe Custom Textures and Meshes- The textures were simple ,but like said before there shiny so the fruit look really yummy! The meshes were shaped great as well!

(22 Dec 2004 01:00)
Mobile Snake
by GeckoKid
Great Snake!

Originality- Originality at the fullest! I mean it is a Moving Snake! 'Nuff said Quality- No Bugs at all. The way it turns is hard-coded so that will no affect the rating. All meshes fit together perfectly! Usability- Snakes can be used almost in every enviorment.Im going to use this in my jungle level! Custom Textures and Meshes- Well since the textures are from tr3 I will not rate this part! The meshes you made were great like I said before they all fit together perfectly! They were all soo nicely done! Custom Animations- You musta of spent a long time creating the animations! There all so reaistic. Just like a real snake. Well like I said the way it turns is hardcoded so this will no affect the rating. This snake also has custom sounds! If your going to use a snake for your level I suggest using this!

(22 Dec 2004 00:54)
New lara
Awesome Outfit!

Originality- We have a few outfits like this ,but this one realy stands out to me. Quality- All of the Meshes Work together perfectly. No bugs that I could find! Usability- Well pretty much anywhere ,but I cant see it being used in Arctic Levels. I will also be using this in my level! Custom Textures and Meshes- All the meshes are great ,but some were a bit blocky.Although this has to be one of my favorite head meshes of all time! Some textures are a bit plain ,but the rest are very good!

(22 Dec 2004 00:44)
Stone shiva
by cornchild
Great! Just What I've been looking for!

Originality- Well Its not very original considering it is a remake ,but your the only one who has tried to make it. You did a good job. Daniel also did a great job on the shiva. Quality- Everything works great! There are no bugs! The Shiva is by Daniel is awesome. It works great. Just like the shiva in TR3 Usability- Probably in Jungle Levels or Ruins in India ,but Im sure some very clever people can find different places to use this. Im definetly using this in my upcoming level! Animations- Even though It just goes underground the effect it gives is really great ingame!Like I said the Shiva acts just like the one from TR3 so all animations are good. [i]Edited by BlingBlingBrat[/i] [i]Edited by BlingBlingBrat[/i]

(22 Dec 2004 00:32)

Originality -This outfit is very original! I only marked off one point because there are a couple of Matrix outfits made. Quality -The Quality is very good! Some Textures look weird but maybe im wrong ,but even though it looks weird to me I still like it! Usability -Could be used in High-Tech levels or stealth or a matrix level! Custom Textures- All the textures you made are great! Custom Meshes- I was very surprised when I saw Eye Lashes on the head mesh Ive never seen it before and now I wonder how come nobody has thought of it!The rest of the meshes look great as well! Animations- The animations were made by Devoid so I did not rate this part!

(13 Nov 2004 16:57)
Snowflake Angel
by Trinity

Originality -there are some winter outfits out there but this one is definently my favorite! Quality -Everything looks great and works great! How can I not rate this a 10! Useable -Well its only used for Winter levels or maybe just somewhere really cold! Custom Textures and Meshes -They both are great!They fit together perfectly! [i]Edited by BlingBlingBrat[/i]

(03 Nov 2004 03:38)
Showing 1 to 15 of 17 reviews
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