This indeed is a very nice looking outfit. When playing with it through the karnak level for testing, it felt like playing the game with a new character as much as that can be accomplished. Well done! The only techincal problem I encountered through playing was the push button animation, which looked like the grabbing animation, but since the level builder will probably use his own LARA object, it doesn't matter. What I really don't know is in what level this would fit in? An oriental? An untraditional one? That's what confuses me the most. Am not saying that it's impossible, it's just hard for me to imagine... but I'm open for surprises...
No complaints here, a good outfit indeed and allready showed it in Eidos Community level 1. I liked the nice details, like the better hand grips, the knife tied to Lara's arm and the new backpack. Am not so sure about her new head mesh and hair cut, but that's a matter of taste. Maybe a bigger color diversity would've spiced up it's looks, but it isn't bad as it is now anyway. If you're into the military look you can get it for your collection.
The TV series was fine till Glory's and Buffy's death, later it became rather stupid in my opinion (well, with the exception of Willow running amok). I think they should've given the girl a break instead of ressurecting her. That's the reason why I'm not so keen on her and the series anymore, and this outfit didn't appeal so much to me as it would if the series would be ok, but I didn't let this affect my ratings or opinions on this outfit as much as I could, since BI did a fantastic job on it! Loved the wooden... ermm... stick in Buffy's hand, but the crossbow seemed odd. Yes it's a weapon that corresponds best to buffy from all Lara can have, but looks rather funny when you have 2 crossbows, for example. Well, an original and nice outfit nevertheless, good job!
A very nice dress for Lara, and even if I can't imagine well in what type of levels it could be used, it doesn't change much in it's quality. Everything is made very well, except for the connection between Lara's right leg and foot. A nice outfit, recommended.
Wow! An excellent outfit, love the meshes and textures, and the little details, that make the outfit look very extraordinary. The small pockets, binoculars, flashlight and glasses make Lara look as good as she hasn't looked before! The glasses help to make her look more mature and I like it. One of my favorite outfits from now on.