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BBQ Element Puzzle by Advent Calendar

- grill as fire element puzzle with holes for two puzzles
- charcoal as pickup 1 to fill the grill and light with Really Big Match as torch
- alternate grill as dirt element puzzle, with same holes but sage spice as pickup 2 (replaces coal)
- lemon fish* combined of fish and lemon as puzzle 3
- *alternate for fish: steak combined of beef and maggi (puzzle has vegetarian bias)
- sanmonto corn combined of maize and modified butter
- static corn patch to pick the corn from - I may revise this one because it takes 12 infos instead of 7 (I didn't notice automatic texture flip in meta)
- misc stuff needed petrol mesh, dirt mesh, torch anim, torch item
- and since there's a giant match I also included a pack of giant flares and a static torch depot.

Setup guide included.

Credit goes to DJ Full

Uploaded from the 2015 TR Forge Advent Calendar.

Object Type

Object Type
Animating / Pickup / Pickup / Puzzle / Furniture / Static

Normal / Summer / Seasons

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579 hits

04 Feb 2023

818 KB

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