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Atlantis Object pack by EssGee

Date: December 2013

This pack includes many of the construction elements made by me for the Atlantis level of Beyond The Scion and the Aquatlantis level of Coyote Creek 2.

Special setup Instructions:
Trapdoor3 is a 3x3 block platform. It only has collision on the centre block. You should use this object in conjunction with Trapdoor1 which is an invisible trapdoor. This should be set on the other 8 tiles and triggered at the same time as Trapdoor 3.

The Mine object is to be used with DoorType2. Animating2 is to be used with DoorType 3. If you wish to explode Animating2 you should use a custom flipeffect to achieve this.

Switch Type1
Plant0 is the cover plate to be used with SwitchType1

Furniture6 is a plate for Shatter1
Furniture8 is a cover plate for the Underwater Switch

Required custom sound samples:
All necessary additional sound samples are included in the pack.

EssGee's Custom Enemies and Objects
Made exclusively by EssGee
If you use these objects in your level, please remember to acknowledge my work.
Thank you :)).

Object Type

Fantasy / Normal

File Format

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17 Oct 2022

1.11 MB

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