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ROTTR sfx V1 by Kubsy

Hi, I extracted some ROTTR sfx,

Note: this is not complete and I will not extract every sfx from ROTTR for the following reason:
- some (or atleast most) are present in TR2013 already (which were extracted by me, you can find them by going into my profile) so no point extracting the same sounds again (you will find, in this folder, some sfx that are present in TR2013)
- too many sfx files which most will probably not be used anyway so I am aiming to find the important ones like enemies and pushables (still haven't found them yet)

In the folder you will find:
- Lara sfx
- some general sounds like stone, metal, glass etc.
- footsteps
- weapons
and more

Also check out:
TR2013 SFX part1:
TR2013 SFX part2:
TR2013 SFX part3:
TR2013 SFX part4:

You don't have to credit me, all credits go to Crystal Dynamics and Square Enis

- They are wav files so ready to use out of the box, just rename them.

- There might be duplicated sfx due to the process being really messy and while extracting, I found that the same sfx were used for different stuff so I tried to delete as many duplicates as possible, Will remove duplicates in the next update - sorry!

- I will be updating this (V1)

- Will provide link to google drive because the folder is too big for Trsearch

Object Type

Sound FX

File Format

TR Version
Rise of the Tomb Raider / Tomb Raider Reboot

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1.107 hits

09 Mar 2022

230 bytes

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The TRLE Search Engine is an unofficial site for trle fans, by trle fans. None of the downloads on this site is supported by Square Enix Limited nor Crystal Dynamics / Eidos Interactive / Core Design.
The TRLE Search Engine is not responsible for the downloads that can be found here. All items are owned by the person who submitted it.