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Workers (very reactive behaviour) by dinne

Enemies in TR4 slots made with the meshes of the regular workers in "The Base" (Chronicles).

- SAS: single gun, no grenade launcher, shoots very fast. Meshtree optimized (gunflash in the correct position, correct aiming)
*** Be careful: this enemy is much more reactive than normal. It aims quickly at Lara (without loosing time in calmly turning himself etc). Because of this, it's higly recommended to lower his damage or his HPs through the script.

- BADDY2 + MESHSWAP (include it too): hits Lara with his wrench, no uzis.
*** Be careful: this enemy is more reactive than regular baddies in turning, running and attacking.
*** Warning: he becomes stupid if around his area there is a small medipack or uzi clips. Avoid it.

- SAS_DRAG_BLOKE: worker with eyes closed, on the ground, can be pulled like regular skeletons.

To see these enemies in action, they've been made and used for "The Russian Base" (CaC 2019 competition).

They use standard TR4 sound slots, you should have already everything in your sounds folder.

Credit me and my homies in the Readme of your level! :)

Object Type

Object Type
Workers / Human / Enemy

HighTech / Lab / Military

File Format

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1.741 hits

01 Nov 2019

101 KB

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