TR1 slamming door by Bojrk
Nothing of this was done by me, it's just a simple conversion from TR1 with better texures. Works like in TR1.
Object Type
Reviews (2)
I am so glad that someone finnaly made this! It is such a classic TR trap, and yet I don't think I have ever seen it on the TRLE. Great job! Originality: Well, it is from the original TR, but it is the first time it has been made for the TRLE! Quality: The author has done a great job making this object work just the way it did in the original TR. It does have TR1 textures, and these don't look great except if they are being used in a TR1-themed level. Usability: This trap is usable in any kind of tomb anywhere in the world, as well as in factories or power plants, or in futuristic levels. I don't suppose a city or sewer level would have this, but I am using it in my level, so I'm going to go ahead and give it a 10. Again, great job, and thanks!
(09 Jan 2005 21:08)
Quality: 10 No doubt Bojrkraider did a very good work: the trap works exactly like in Tr1. With sound, good anims. Useable: 8. Perfect for archaeo levels and even factory levels provided you change the texture for a metallic one like in VCI type levels. Others features are rated 'none' according to the ratings rules. Further infos: the trap opens on each side like doors, when doors are open appart Lara can get through safely, but if she touches them she dies imediately do it's very realistic. In the seth_blade slot. 4 clics high
(10 Jan 2005 14:34)
Extra Rating
I was hoping someone would do this!
I am so glad that someone finnaly made this! It is such a classic TR trap, and yet I don't think I have ever seen it on the TRLE. Great job! Originality: Well, it is from the original TR, but it is the first time it has been made for the TRLE! Quality: The author has done a great job making this object work just the way it did in the original TR. It does have TR1 textures, and these don't look great except if they are being used in a TR1-themed level. Usability: This trap is usable in any kind of tomb anywhere in the world, as well as in factories or power plants, or in futuristic levels. I don't suppose a city or sewer level would have this, but I am using it in my level, so I'm going to go ahead and give it a 10. Again, great job, and thanks!
(09 Jan 2005 21:08)
Excellent trap!
Quality: 10 No doubt Bojrkraider did a very good work: the trap works exactly like in Tr1. With sound, good anims. Useable: 8. Perfect for archaeo levels and even factory levels provided you change the texture for a metallic one like in VCI type levels. Others features are rated 'none' according to the ratings rules. Further infos: the trap opens on each side like doors, when doors are open appart Lara can get through safely, but if she touches them she dies imediately do it's very realistic. In the seth_blade slot. 4 clics high
(10 Jan 2005 14:34)
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