Europa Grotesk font
by vandersweaterEuropa Grotesk SH Extented high-resolution font for TRLE. Two styles available: beveled or flat. You...
Europa Grotesk SH Extented high-resolution font for TRLE. Two styles available: beveled or flat. You...
The Xerox Serif font to use in your TEN levels, which resembles the TR3 font in the PSX version....
The Ondine font (already originally used in TR4) is now available in HD quality for TRLE, and can be...
Adelon Serial high-resolution font for TRLE. Two styles available: beveled or flat. You may recogniz...
*UPDATED JUNE 28 2022* Conduit ITC high resolution font for TRLE. You may recognize this font fr...
Tomb Raider 1 & 2 Fonts ripped and fixed for the Level Editor by SuiKaze Raider. This pack includ...
Logo in 512x256 format.
Here is just the AoD Logo .Modified a lil bit by me.
The logo seen at the title of Tomb Raider 2, 3 and 5. As a plus, it is virtually seamless--so no mor...
TR1 fonts hight definition by glidos http://www.glidos.net/ 1. Open Leikkuri and load "tr1glido...
TR4 font Sands of Fire. Instructions in readme!